4. Don't Fuck With Tizzy

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-Finley pov-
"You guys know this theatre lacks windows so can we keep the smoke to a minimum before we set off the fire alarm," Kaeden calls out the window of the booth from his desk. Sitting on the window ledge, I watch his warning go ignored by the actors sharing a single Juul on stage. 

"I wouldn't be surprised if they got mono from sharing it like that," I add and he grunts in response. 

"Sorry Kae! But Noell needs his daily dose of herbal supplements! Does Finley want some?" He asks and I kindly refuse. 

"He talks in the third person?" I whisper to Kaeden who looks up from his board somewhat annoyed by all my questions.

 "Huh? Oh that. Yeah, I'm so used to it I forgot. He does that sometimes when he's comfortable, which is good because usually gets really nervous around new people. I guess you give off good vibes," he says.

 "Am I supposed to give off bad vibes? Am I an intimidating person or something?

Kae finally gives up on whatever he was working on and rest his elbows on the desk, seating his chin in the palms of his hands. 

"Yes and no. When I first met you, you were pretty rude and nasty. That doesn't exactly leave the best impression," He says.

 "If I was so rude, why did you decide to stalk me?" I chuckle as I take a few sips from my water bottle. 

"Because when you came outside and that guy started to threaten you, I noticed that it was only a front and you were just really...vulnerable. I didn't have it in my heart to leave you like that. Also I did not stalk you, I just found you on coincidence," He picks up a script and leafs through it for a second. There's something on his mind and I knew what it was, but I waited patiently for him to bring it up.

"Who was that guy? If you don't mind my asking," 

I open my mouth to answer him honestly but a loud cackle of laughter echoes through the theatre. 

"What the fuck is that?" I turn to see a new face had appeared on stage. 

"That would be our stage manager, Tzippaurorah."

 At the name I couldn't contain my laughter. 

"I'm sorry what? It sounded like you sneezed," I choke out through my laughter and he rolls his eyes, giggling softly.

 "I know it sounds like some Egyptian princess or something but don't let her catch you making fun of it, she'll kick you out," he joins me at the window and waves to her. 

"Oh Kaeden! You're actually here today, and you've brought a friend?" She asks and points to me. 

"Hi, I'm Finley," I try to introduce my handsome charming self while containing the laughter currently hurting my lungs. 

"Why hello! It's nice to meet you! I'm Tizzy!" She calls back.

 "Thank the gods, at least she has a nickname," I mutter under my breath and Kaeden finally burst out laughing. 

"What was that?" Tizzy asks and I shrug. 

"Nothing! I was just saying you have such a beautiful name! I don't know why you would shorten such a rarity," I lie through my teeth and she smiles. 

"Aw thank you but I can tell that you're actually being a sarcastic asshat. I wouldn't continue fucking with me or laughing at my name if you would like to have a future in this theatre," she calls me out on my bullshit with a girlish giggle and I'm instantly terrified. I look down and kick Kaeden in the side. 

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