31. Green Card Wedding

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-finley pov-

I open my eyes in shock, with a throbbing pain rocking my brain and chills running through my body. 

Groaning, I look up at the white popcorn ceiling and know this isn't the living room where just a second ago, I was stupidly crying in Kaeden's arms.

 I sit up and a wet rag falls off my forehead. Confused, I look out the window to see the sky was now dark and there was only a single floor lamp lighting our bedroom. 

Feeling sore, I cough into my elbow as I try to stand, only to fail and fall back onto the bed. The door slowly opens and Kaeden peeks his head in. 

"Oh, you're awake," He smiles as he opens to door and walks in with wet hair and just a towel wrapped around his waist like he just took a shower. 

"Yeah," I croak, my throat still feels like shit from all the emotions this man has been throwing my way for the past few days. He comes to my side of the bed and runs his hand over my forehead. 

"Try not to talk hon, it sounds like you're losing your precious voice," He says with a hint of sarcasm and I roll my eyes. 

"I wonder who's fault that is," my voice comes off as raspy and broken causing him to chuckle a little.

 "Is that suppose to be me?" he gasps before kissing the tip of my nose.

 "I think I can explain why you're so overly sensitive and emotional. It looks like you're coming down with something because you have a fever of 102 degrees." He says and I narrow my eyes. 

"I don't know what you're talking about. I never get sick!" I proclaim before sitting up, only to weakly fall back once more.

 He raises an 'I told you so,' eyebrow and I flick his forehead. 

"It's okay, Cassie is already bringing you something called sancocho, I dunno after that I heard some pots banging on the phone and she hung up," he says and I sneeze a few times, the sneeze zips through my chest and knocks the life out of me. 

"Gah, that hurt like hell," I moan as I turn away from him. 

"And this is why you're staying in bed." He says and I bury myself under the comforter. Cold from the shivers running through my body. I peek out just a little bit and watch my handsome boyfriend changing into an all-black outfit. He catches me watching and laughs. 

"You look like some creepy peeper, all I see are your eyes," He throws a sock and hits me in the forehead covering my eyes. Too lazy to move it, I stay just like that. 

"I've seen it all before," I yawn and I feel the bed sink as he lifts the sock off my eyes.

 "I would kiss you, but I can't get sick right now," He uses an excuse and I turn from him again. 

"I'm offended. I'd kiss you if you were sick," I groan. 

"I love you too by the way, but you don't want to listen to me," he says as he pokes my warm cheek.

"It's not that I don't want to listen to you,

 I sort of just knocked the fuck out in case you didn't notice."

"I think you did that on purpose just for dramatic effect,"

"Shut up,"

"How did you get me out of the deportation thing by the way?"

"For a man who doesn't want me to talk,

 you sure are asking a lot of questions,"

"This is the last one I swear," 

I turn over and face him again, embarrassed to say it.

"Remember how when we were in the hospital, 

I told you if anyone asks, to just say I'm your spouse so I could pay for your surgeries and treatment?"

"I don't really like to remember that time but yeah kind of..."

"Well, I told the nurse it was a glitch in the system and so she "Fixed it".

 Well with that documentation in the system, I used my citizenship to give you citizenship.
Then I talked to the queen and made it all official so here you are," I quickly explain.

"So what you mean to tell me..." he pauses. 

I think he's probably going to bring up the fact that I met the queen of England but of course, he picks up on the one thing I glanced over.

"That in the system, you are legally my spouse,"

"Technically, yes. It was an accident though I swear to fucking god. If you want we can divorce and you can marry Vahn for your citizenship sponsor for all I care," I huff.

 Kaeden only smirks before leaning forward.

"So you're telling me we've been married since day one and I never knew?"

"I hope you didn't file your taxes yet because yes, and I didn't know until yesterday"

"Yeah sure you didn't," He laughs and makes fun of me.

"You're lucky I'm too sick to hit you right now,"

"God damn, I got stuck with a super sensitive and abusive spouse,"

"Shut up, let's just forget about it,"

"Oh no, I can't forget about this,"

"It doesn't matter. It was just so you wouldn't be deported."

"Okay, Mr. Tremblay,"

"Why would I be a Tremblay? Why can't you be Grayson?"

He gives me a look that makes me question myself for a good few seconds.

"I think we both know why,"

"Shut up, Let me rest," I give up fighting with him and he laughs, kissing my burning forehead.

"Alright, I'll leave you alone now my love, you're going to need it," 

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