36. Boys Over Flowers

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~Kaeden POV~

Noell just licks the edge of their plump bottom lip while examining the most committed and taken man in all of London at the market dressed in a black tie attire. 

"You look, splendid darling, do a small spin for me," Noell twirls Jamie Caspian's shoulder with their gentle touch. As they attempt to flirt with the man who could very well be my future in-law, I peek into the mirror of the custom suit shop at the corner of Camden market. 

The sharp fitted black vest fits perfectly with small stripes of gray. I wasn't as tall as Jamie, or nearly as muscular, but the suit itself made me feel powerfully masculine, with all things considered. 

The way the crisp white button down fabric fell flat to my chest and nonexistent curves were no longer accentuated only added to my boosted confidence as I puffed out my chest a bit.

"What are we doing again?" Vahn asks as he comes out from behind the curtain with an outfit identical to my own. The white gloves, a white dress shirt, black vest, and black pants. Jamie was the odd one out in a full multi-pieced dress suit. Noell's furrowed eyebrow showed their frustration of over our interruption of their attempt at seducing Jamie while the poor man held a look of relief almost. 

"I've said this a hundred times now. Vahn and Kaeden, you two are going to sneak into the gala as wait staff. If you try to go in as invited guest the security drones are instantly going to scan your face and criminalize you. We'll change your appearance the best we can but our goal will be to keep you in the shadows." Noell explains and I pick out a black silk bow tie. 

"Jamie and I will be attending as guests at the gala. Since Jamie hasn't been affiliated with the rebellion he should be my safest bet to take me in as his plus one and I shall be looking fabulous. To catch the attention of Giani and distract him of course while you three find Fin and Mari to extract them," Noell winks and walks themselves over to the rack of bright evening dresses.

"I already have my dress but it couldn't hurt to look," They giggle and Jamie sits on a small stool set in front of the mirror.

"However there's one flaw in your plan," Jamie hints and Noell peeks up from the racks while Vahn and I wait in nervous anticipation.

"The Grayson's are going to be there. I don't know which ones just yet, but it could be anyone from Finley's father's to the king himself," Jamie warns and I think back to all the warnings Finley gave me about his dads.  I wonder if they really are crazy or if he was just over exaggerating, but I guess this isn't the time to question my boyfriend's authenticity.

"That's why you're coming. You know who they are and will instantly be able to warn us. The girls are also forming an HQ so to speak. We will all be wired so they can steer us in the right direction from our new safe house," Noell sighs as if they were disappointed that we didn't believe in his capability to think ahead and weigh all the factors. 

"Now, what should we do about your looks, we'll go next door and pick up some hair dye, special effects makeup, and maybe some glasses and a haircut," Noell says as they lead the way to the front counter of the store and the man at the cash register takes a good look at us. At seeing my face the shop owner narrows his eyes and an Icy fear floods my veins. 

"You, are you Kaeden Tremblay?" He asks and I gulp as I nod. His light blue eyes suddenly fill with tears as he bows his head and takes my hands in his.

"My daughter, she's just like you. She's also a trans boy and I fear for her life every day. But people like you give us hope," He shares and lets go of my hand before waving us off. I smile and gently pat his hands before giving them a small squeeze.

"I appreciate this undeserved recognition and I wish your son the best and hopefully, these dark times shall be over soon enough," I say, taking on my role of the leader of a rebellion for the first time. 

"If it's for the good of your people, I shall be glad to obey," he says as if I'm sort of biblical man and shoos us off without making us pay for the expensive suits. 

"Well that was very nice of him," Jamie comments as we follow Noell's lead and I smooth out the slight wrinkles in the dress shirt.

"Yes, it was," I sigh, feeling like the burden just smacked me across the face. I feel a hand on my shoulder and look over to see Vahn's sympathetic smile.

"You can do this," He says with a supportive fist in the air.

"I'm just worried about Finley. It makes me sick to my stomach to think of them hurting him instead of me," I groan, nervously rubbing the bridge of my nose. Jamie lets out a small laugh and I turn my head to see why he was laughing at my suffering.

"Trust me, they couldn't hurt Finey or Marius if they tried," Jamie says and I feel my brow raise in confusion. Of course the prime minister could hurt them. Finley can't defend himself while he's sick with the flu. Or maybe he was talking about their titles protecting them from harm.

You wouldn't hurt a prince of another country unless you were looking to start a war, right?

I go to say something but Noell suddenly darts into another small store and we follow after him. It was a small barbershop decorated in black head to toe. 

"CHRISTINA MY LOVE! HOW ARE YOU!" A beautiful young dark-skinned woman with spirals of bubblegum pink hair and aquamarine colored eyes squeals as she sees Noell and attacks them in a tight hug.

"I'M GOOD GIRL! WHAT'S UP WITH YOU!" Noell jumps ups and down with the girl while Vahn, Jamie, and I stand in the entrance awkwardly waiting for Noell to introduce us. 

"AH! All this government shit is driving me nuts! Did you hear about what they did to...to..." the woman finally sees us but her eyes land on me.

"Kaeden Tremblay? Is it really you?" She asks and I visibly gulp as a lump forms in my throat. I didn't know I was that famous. I'm only able to give a small nod before she quickly drags all three of us to the center of the barber shop and locks the front door, putting up a closed sign and closing all the curtains on the windows so no one could see in or out. She returns to me and shakes my hand.

"Kaeden Tremblay, I never thought I'd meet you in person. I'm Gigi, I'm a trans woman and I look up to you and all the work you've done," She introduces herself. 

"I haven't done much but thank you," I humbly deny her admirations. 

"Are you kidding me? How could you say that after what you did for our little sister?" She gapes and Noell quickly takes her hands in theirs.

"Honey, I need to ask you for a favor. You see these boys? They need to be unrecognizable by the time we leave here. Do you think you could make that happen?" Noell asks and Gigi quickly accepts her challenge. She turns to us and eyes each of us carefully. She points to Jamie first.

"You, let's bring the sides to a one and cut a scissor on top, ruffle it up and lighten it so you'll be a clean-shaven dirty blonde with some gray contacts," she says and turns to me next.

"For you, I can see a black with hints of lavander and cut it long, kind of emo style. Also, clean shaven with some rich dark brown contacts. You'll be able to blend in easily as a waiter or whatever it is you're dressed up for," She says and scratches her chin as she turns to Vahn. 

"As for you...I want dark blue hair, so dark it's almost black and we'll set you up with some light pastel blue eyes. If you stand out just a little bit more than Kaeden, no one will see Kaeden," Gigi says and Noell gives her the thumbs up.

"Let's get started then!" 

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