Ch.6 Evan

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Thoughts plagued my brain. I was hated by someone who didn't know me. Not only that but everyone probably thought I was weak when I got shoved against the locker. They all probably thought I was weird and now they're never going to talk to me. Zoe will never talk to me again. God, why was I still going after her? She was obviously all for Alana.

God, I'm an idiot. And a freak. I can't even talk to her, become friends. I can't even get over her. I can't do anything right. Can't even kill myself correctly.

I looked down at my broken arm. Why? Why did I suck at everything I did? Then a thought got stuck in my head. It kept replaying like a broken record.

The rooftop. It was calm, it was peaceful and I used to have a really bad habit of going up there just to feel the breeze.

As I walked up the steps I heard a door open but I ignored it and kept walking up to the roof. It was my chance to leave this world. It was higher than the tree and I would finally be able to do something right. I would kill myself right.

When I made it up there I went over to the railing and looked over the town. It was bustling with activity and happy people.

My mind was racing and my eyes were already filling with tears. I took a few deep breaths and waited for the tears to subside.

I climbed over the railing and onto the other side of it. The breeze picked up and I felt the cold brush against my skin. I gave a small smile. I would finally be dead, my mom could stop working so much and no one in school would notice.

I almost let go but when I heard the door to the roof open I kept my grip on the rail. I turned around and looked to see who was there. It was Connor. Shoved-me-down-Connor. Called-me-a-freak-Connor.

I wanted to cry, to jump off and leave Connor up here alone. But being caught up here by Connor made me so scared. I kept my grip on the railing.

It wasn't a strong grip and if Connor decided to scare me then I definitely would let go but it wasn't a weak grip so that I would accidentally fall off the roof.

I kept my eyes on Connor as he walked over to me, still looking down. He didn't know I was there.

Eventually he looked up. When he saw me he took a step back and gasped. I was shaking badly and the tears that were forming were now falling. I stared at him, which probably would've looked like I was glaring if I wasn't crying so hard.

"H-h-hey Con-Connor," I stuttered out. I hated the silence that was formed after I said that. And I hated it when Connor stared at me, bewildered.

Finally, Connor spoke up, "hey, Evan."

He carefully said to me, probably not wanting to scare me. I stared at him as he took a few steps closer. I opened my mouth to say something and eventually I got some sound out.

"H-hey Con-Connor," I probably sounded like a stuttering mess but at least I responded.

"Uh, why- why are you up here?"

A simple question, really. One I should be able to answer. But, yet, I wasn't. My thoughts were so scrambled that I didn't know if or why I was actually up here. Everything just seemed so broken.

One thought seemed to push itself to the front of the rest and I pinned this as the reason. But instead of answer I turned back to face the ground. It was a long ways down, and I'd definitely die if I fell, or jumped.

But before I could Connor's voice pierced the cold air. It broke the breeze and shattered my already broken heart.

"Hey, don't do it, please."

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