Ch.12 Connor

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The moment I felt Evan's head hit my arm I knew that I was in love with this boy. I don't know how but love works in mysterious ways.

I looked down at Evan. If you looked close enough at his face you could see light freckles scattered around.

If you payed attention you could learn that he does different things when he feels different emotions.

He'll tap his foot when he's nervous for a test. He'll bounce the foot when he has to talk to someone and he's waiting till he does.

He taps his fingers when he's thinking about his mom. He'll shake his pencil when he's thinking about his dad.

Evan does all these small things that are so easy to pick up on and so lovable once you get to know the tree boy.

I smile and I put Evan's head on my lap and start stroking his hair in a longing way. I felt all the anger I feel and all the sadness I hold leave me.

I sat in perfect calm with an adorable boy in my lap. I laid my head back against the couch and closed my eyes, still stroking Evan's hair.

I felt the warm of Evan on my lap and I felt the words of Disney movies in the background. I felt calm. Truly calm.

When I woke up that morning, Evan was still in my lap, sound asleep. I lifted his head and leaned him on a pillow as I stood up and walked to the kitchen.

Now, I didn't have much experience with cooking but one thing I did know is how to make pancakes.

I took all the ingredients I needed and set to work. I put music on in the background and sang and danced while making breakfast.

After I finished the last pancake I heard a small laugh from behind me. I whipped around and cake face to face with a woman who looked an awful lot like Evan.

Evan's sister? No, Evan doesn't have sister. Evan's cousin? Why would Evan's cousin laugh at me? Evan's-

"Mom, I'm Evan's mom. Name's Heidi," it was as if she had read my mind.

"Ha ha, thanks. I was wondering who you were," I rubbed the back of my neck before regretting it when I saw batter in my hand that was now on my neck.

"Ha! Come here, I'll help you out with that."

She gave me a wet cloth and made me wash my hands before we continued talking.

"So, why'd you not scream or something when you saw a complete stranger in your house," I asked her.

"Oh well I saw you and Evan snuggling and I knew you probably weren't even close to a stranger for Evan."

She gave me a sly smirk and my face turned beet red. I was blushing so hard that I felt like my face was on fire.

"Mom, Connor. What are you guys talking about?"

I turned and saw a tired Evan. Simply the cutest sight I'd ever seen in my life. I could now die happy.

"Also, are those pancakes?"

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