Ch.25 Connor

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Was I mad at Evan? Of course, I was still mad at Evan.

But watching him run in the hospital room, looking really worried. And watching him be very concerned about my health.

I could just wait a few days before bringing it back up. Besides, the doctor said stress would be bad for me so let's avoid all that for now.

"I love you, Evan," I whispered.

I knew what happened. The kiss and everything. Yes, I had forgotten it all but Zoe came in and explained and apologized.

She said it wasn't Evan's fault and how sorry she is about it all. I forgave her... and Evan.

I was still angry, but not at Evan, not at Zoe. I was just mad, letting my anger fester inside me for a while.

Maybe it'll go away and I won't be mad. Maybe I won't be angry. I really want that. Evan deserves a good boyfriend, and I want to be one.

I looked down at Evan for a moment, taking in all his features. He looks so peaceful, so calm. He looks... beautiful.

I pull him closer and feel drowsiness come over me. I close my eyes for a second and end up falling asleep.

"... and Mary will be line leader. Thomas will be door holder and... oh, sorry, Connor. I don't have a job for you," Mrs. G gave a sorry smile to Connor.

Connor felt something bubble within him. Anger, the first time he felt a true, undying anger fester in him.

And for such a stupid reason.

A printer was thrown. Connor didn't realize it happened until he felt his hands burn and his heart stop racing from the adrenaline.

He was still in class, looking around. Everyone was terrified, even Mrs. G, who had swiftly dodged the flying printer.

Connor looked around again, looking at everyone, taking in their features. Anger still burned in his chest.

He screamed, yelled, made a scene. Never letting up, even when Mrs. G started making hesitate steps towards him.

Mrs. G passed him, got to the phone and called the office. Or someone. Anyone to get this child who could throw a printer out of the room.

Connor stopped mid-scream. A boy with blonde hair say in the corner, his hands over his ears and his head down.

Connor paused. This kid wasn't scared or shocked, he was terrified. Connor hesitated, not daring breath or move.

That pause was enough. The boy looked up from the lack of noise, you could hear a pin drop. And he looked at Connor.

Connor stared at his blue eyes, his anger dying a little. The boy didn't break eye contact.

But that was enough for Connor's anger to stop. That was enough time for a teacher to grab him and hold him over to the office.

Connor didn't see those eyes for a while. Connor was in and out of places and was too busy seeing counselors to go to school.

Connor took school online. He talked to shrinks and adults. Adult after adult until people decided that he was fine. He just had a normal tantrum.

Connor went back to school. He saw those dazzling blue eyes in the hall but didn't speak. He saw that blonde hair in classes but didn't dare start conversation.

Evan, he learned was the name of the boy. Evan made his anger die. Evan helped make Connor feel okay.

And Connor wanted to talk to Evan. But he couldn't. Jared or Alana was in the way. Zoe was in the way. Everyone was blocking him from talking to Evan.

And it infuriated Connor.

And all he could remember was air, Evan's smile, and Mrs. G's sorry smile. And Evan's blue eyes and Evan's ashy blonde hair and

"Connor? Connor, wake up, you need to eat," Evan's soft voice woke me up. "Time to eat," he smiled.

I smiled back and nodded. Evan's entire being was beautiful. He made me feel happy, feel calm.

And I wouldn't trade Evan for the world.

I'm changing the updating schedule to two updates every Monday.

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