Chapter 1

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Before reading my story I want to thank you for giving my book a chance. It's always been a dream of mine to write a book to make people feel good. With this book it has been something for me to get through recent events that has happened in my life. It's not your cliche werewolf story so enjoy.

Life asked death," Why do people love me but hate you?" Death responded ," Because you are a beautiful lie and I am a painful truth." -Unknown

   My name is Andy Acre and I'm a 22 year old woman and for the past three years I have lived on my own. I attend Georgia Southern University as a current sophomore, trying to make something of myself shortly after my high school graduation. Their passing encouraged me to make something of myself but I can not bring myself to enjoy my life like I know they would want. For the past three years I have bwen ignorimg everybody around me ,friend and family, I put on a strait face and pretend everything is fine. I am afraid to let anybody in ; afraid to let anyone see my worn heart, afraid that it may be broken again. So I have built a wall to protect the small part of myself I have left.

  As I am walking to one of my classes I feel the hair on the back of my neck rise and a shiver run down my spime. I stop to look around but find nobody around. Closing my eyes I take in a deep breath of the cool fresh air.  Its a beautiful June morning with birds singing and fresh dew on the grass so I shake the feeling and admire the day.

I continue to walk to the library to study for a few of my classes and I bump in to one of the girls I have a class with. " Hey Jessica. What are you up to this morning ? " Jessica is a brown haired brown eyed girl who is the same height as myself at 5'7. I have admired her beauriful strait borwn hair since we first met  at the first day of university. On the other hand I have grown to love my dirty blond waist length hair and green eyes as they remind me of my parents and who I am.

Jessica perks up when she sees it is me," Hey Andy. Nothing much just leaving my first class of the day." She looks to notice we are in front of the library and asks " Are you going to study for some of your classes? " I answer with a nod. Her eyes light up " Would you like me to a company you ? "

Eyeimg her bouncing figure I shake my head " No, it's OK. Maybe we can hang out later. Thank you though."

" I do not want to bother you. We never seem to meet up anyway." She says with a forced smile baring her teeth.

Sometimes I do not notice but forced smiles resemble a dog barring it's teeth.

We say our goodbyes and I continue to the library.

   I walk into the library and go up to the 4th floor. The 4th floor is where hardly anybody goes because it's full of outdated books that won't be useful with most classes.

I sit down in one of the black plush black sofas in the corner and dig out one of my class books and begin to read abour western civilization, which is a European history class. I have been struggling lately because the anniversary of my parents death is coming up. I get more depressed around this time of year but everyone has said it will get better in time , so far it hasn't. I try pushing thoughts aside and begin reading about agricultural technology used in Europe and couldn't help but think of my dad. My dad's name was Ronald he was in his late seventys when he passed away three years ago. Me and my father had our rough patches as I grew up but none the less I loved him. He taught me the value of hard work and taught me everything I know about agriculture and nature.

  At this point I couldn't read anymore feeling the tears form in the corners of my eyes. Its difficult being in this world having no one to love or love you. I put my book down and notice a blond haired guy on the other sided of the stacks I was near looking at me. I pulled my phone out and notice I still have an hour before my next class.

As I put my phone down I am greeted with a deep gravely voice " Hello. I apologize if I made you uncomfortable earlier. I just couldn't help it."

Replying with a nod and I say " It's OK. I was just a little surprised usually I'm the only one who comes up here. " I pick up my book and start to highlight some of the keys points so I can start some notes later.

I didn't realize he was still there until he cleared his throat and I looked up. I used this second look to take in his appearance. He was very handsome , definitely a picture of perfection to me, with his blond hair almost the same color as mine and his hazel eyes swirling the perfect mixture of brown and green together. He is very muscular looking like he worked out everyday. Something about him had me memorized which took him clearing his throat again to snap me out of my daze.

"I'm sorry I was zoned out "

He smirked and said " It's OK I can understand why. I mean look at me !? "

I couldn't help but giggle at him being so nonchalant about himself. " If it let's you sleep at night I will agree." My comment made his face drop by the slightest. I look at him to say ," I'm kidding. Do not take me seriously. I'm sorry."

He nodded his head ,"Its OK. A sense of humor is refreshing to me."

I couldn't help but feel my cheeks heat up at what he said ," Well thank you. I don't socialize too much so I can say my social skills are very bad. This is the longest conversation I have had in a very long time."

He nodded his head and looked at me through his long lashes to say ," Well that's a shame because I would love to talk to you regularly. By the way my name is Mason."

I gave him a small smile, " It's nice to meet you Mason my name is Andy. "

Looking at my phone I realize I only had 30 minutes to get to class now. I would have to run to be able to make it in time so I throw my book and pens in my bag ," I'm so sorry I have to run to class or I'm going to be late " before he could say anything I was running down the stairs to class.

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