Chapter 23

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Blake's POV

  I finally have her in my hands and nothing will take her away from me. It is unfortunate that she is going to transition into a werewolf but I will have the most powerful supernatural being as my mate.

As soon as I got word of Andy being the most powerful being I knew everyone of my kind was going to go after her to secure a higher place in society and maybe even go after my throne.  I will be damned.

I look down to my beautiful mate in my arms and can not help feel the complete love I have for her.  I never meant anything I said to her so many moths ago. I just wanted to scare her and rub it in that mutts face that I can have his mate.  She is perfect.

I make it to my castle and take her to my room. Unfortunately she will be going into transition in less than 24 hours so I will have to secure her. After that she will be mine and will break the mate bond her and Mason share.

Mason's POV

  I feel a burning in my throat and a pounding in my head when I finally get my eyes open. I already know it is wolfs bane they used. Realization hit me on what happened and I rush to my feet looking for Andy only to find she was gone.

A growl ripped through my chest making everyone stand on their feet. I can not believe she was taken from me. That leech will pay for taking her away.

Jonah yelled ," Our Luna has been taken! Everyone search for her now!"

I turn around shaking with anger ," She has been taken by the prince of Vampires. We must get her back. She will be going through transition soon and we need her here to ensure her survival." I take in a deep breath and look at Don ," Go get Annabelle now. We may need her. IF she gives you trouble tell her this will decide her fate for the royal family." 

I will get her back one way or another. That bastard will pay!

Andy's POV

I feel like my world is spinning a million miles an hour almost to the point of making me get sick. I suppress the feeling and try to move but I cant. I wiggle my hands ,which I notice are behind my back ,to hear chains rattle.

What the heck is going on?

I open my eyes to realize I have a bag over my head but the shock I have over all this is quickly put to the back o my mind when I feel the pain of a hundred knives in my stomach. I could not help but let out a scream.

What is happening? I cant be going through transition.

Before I knew it the bag was being taken off of my head and I had to close my eyes due to the bright light.

When I opened my eyes I was face to face with Blake. " Why did you take me?" I asked through clenched teeth. Another round of pain hit me causing me to throw my head back and scream.

" You are not supposed to be transitioning yet. This isn't good." I heard Blake say with concern.

I manage to say through the pain ," I am the first huntress to go through transition.It is kind of hard to predict what will happen. " I gasp at how bad the pain is getting and I manage to say ," I need Mason." Then I fade into the darkness. I need to pull through this.

I open my eyes and look around to see I am by a pond. " Andy girl you need to focus all your energy on pulling through this," a voice I know is my father's says behind me. I turn around and he is standing by the pond with worry written all over his face.

I walk towards may dad and wrap my arms around him in a big hug. With my head against  his chest  I ask ," Dad do you think I can pull this off? "  I let a tear slip from my eye at the thought of never seeing Mason again.

He rubbed my head with his hand  in a comforting manner ," I know  you can pull this off because you are strong. I need you to focus on pulling through this. Mason will be able to handle helping you adjust to your new life." He pulls me arms length away." I need my girl to live."

I cry  on to my dads shoulder until everything goes blank again.

I hear voices all around me but I can't understand what they are saying due to the extreme amount of pain I am in. I feel like my chest is going to rip wide open any second but then I feel a hand on my shoulder followed by the oh so familiar sparks.

With tears in my eyes I open them to see Mason." You saved me Mase." I say with as much enthusiasm as I can  gather up. I can still feel the chains around my hands and feet but they are starting to burn me. " Mase these chains burn please take them off."

He looks at me with sadness in his eyes but when I heard a voice it wasn't his. " We cant do that dear because you are transitioning and we can not trust your wolf. " I turn my head to see Blake. I feel so much anger right now I literally start to shake. How dare he chain me up like I am a prisoner.

Another round of pain hits me and it is worse than the last. I shake and feel a feral sound rip through my chest and come out of my mouth. I notice everyone looking at me with wide eyes, even Mason. " I need these chains off please." I beg


I look to try and find where the snapping sound is coming from but look down to see my legs bending into odd positions.Followed my another feral sound coming from my mouth but this time I feel as If I have more strength. I try and pull the chains to see if I can break them. I give it all I got and much to my surprise chain links flew all over the room. I feel as if I am being controlled by someone else now. I snap my neck back and fourth feeling tingles run through my body.

Suddenly I feel a sharp object plunge into my back and I fall down. I look around and see Mason about to shift into his wolf but before he did I grabbed his arm and gave him pleading eyes to stop. He understood and held my hand. What was I stabbed with?

I felt more pain, feeling as if I was on fire and blacked out for a moment. I opened my eyes to see Mason holding a white paw in his hand. I realized 'oh my gosh that is my paw'. I tried to stand up but as soon as I got to my feet I felt like a thousand pounds was on my chest. I tumbled to the floor as my vision clouded over and I was back in the unwelcoming darkness.

Everyone I have another book I am working on along with this please go check it out please. His Cherokee Princess. Again if you like a chapter please vote

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