Chapter 14

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Mason's POV

  I couldn't hold back my anger towards him. Why would he think he could got to that meeting. I would think me sparing his life would give him gratitude.

I was currently fighting him in the meeting hall when he pulled out a knife laced with silver and stabbed me in my side. With me being more powerful than any other werewolf ,because of my rank as king, it won't kill me but it will significantly weaken me. He was getting the upper hand on me when he suddenly rolled off of me and pulled a knife from his side.

I wasn't processing  because I was confused as to who would intervene in my fight. I look where the knife came from and it was my mate. She was struggling to stand but holding another knife.

I then heard her say ," Get off my mate and your king. How dare you be so disrespectful. If you leave now this next knife will land in your throat."

I'm dumbfounded as to how she knows how to use knives like that but as soon as she said that Jonathan was running towards her. Before I was even on my feet to run over to intercept him I notice he stopped and fell to the ground.

She actually did it.

I looked up to see she was getting too weak to stand so I rushed over to her. She asked if I was OK but I wanted to know how she knew those weaponry skills. She just said she will tell me later.

  As I was walking out with her I felt her tug on my shoulder so I looked down at her for her to say ," Turn me around real quick to face them please. "

I nodded my head. I turned so we were both facing the whole council who was still in shock by the events that just played out.

She cleared her throat which got my attention with everyone's to speak ," I am sorry for this mess. I would hope we can have a more civil meeting next time. Yes, to clear things up what he spoke of was true. I do have cancer. I'm in the middle of fighting for my life quite literally but don't think for a minute I won't think of what needs to be done to keep the people happy and my mate safe I may be new at this but I have fresh insight and ideas to offer. As you can see I'm more than what meets the eye so don't think for a second I am weak. I am passed that chapter of being the weak girl so if someone else would like to try and humiliate me or take me down I'm right here."

I was absolutely blown away at my mate and her courage she's going to be the most amazing Luna we have ever had. I was staring at my mate with absolute awe when I noticed the council ,one by one , bowing in respect to Andy. This brought a smile to my face knowing that she has successfully gotten their respect.

I felt her lean on me more and I knew we had to go.

  I made it up to our room and lay Andy on our bed as Annabelle, Jonah,Don and Urshall followed close behind me. She was asleep as I covered her small body up with the comforter to keep her warm.

I turned to face them all to ask ," Does anybody know how and why she has those weapons skills? " They all looked at each other shrugging not having a clue when a weak voice from behind me spoke in a whisper ," My dad."

I turned around to see her looking at me.

Urshall rushed to her side to speak ," Luna you did way too much today. You can't being putting your body through that kind of physical stress. Are you feeling nauseous? "

She looked towards him and said ," Yes I'm feeling sick. I know I didn't need to but I wasn't going to sit and . . " She stopped mid sentence and I could tell she was in pain. I rushed over to sit on the bed as Urshall was hooking up her IVs to various medication. I kissed her head as the medication took effect taking her into a deep sleep.

Without looking at anyone I said ," Find out what you can about her dad."

My response from everyone was ," Yes alpha."

Jonah put his hand on my shoulder and began saying ," She's a strong one man. She will get through this and you will help her. I must say what she did was bad ass for a human girl so imagine what's she's going to be like when she is werewolf."

I couldn't help but smile at what he said because it was true. He left out of our room and I lay down beside my mate for the night.

   I woke up to Andy calling my name and shaking my arm so I rolled over to see what was wrong.  With concern laced in my still sleepy voice I asked ," Darling what's wrong?" I noticed how she blushed slightly at my nickname for her which I will never get tired of.

She scooted over to get closer to me and said ," I can't sleep and I wanted to talk to you and see if you would unhook these IV lines from me. I'm sorry I woke you." She looked down at her hands which were fiddling with one of the IV lines in her arm.

I grabbed her chin for her to look at me and said ," You have no reason to be sorry for waking me. I always want to do what ever I can for you and I just so happen to love talking to you. So what do you want to talk about?"

I unhooked the lines and hung them on the machine she then leaned her head on my shoulder and let out a sigh and said ," I have a lot going through my mind. You have truly turned my life around. Even though I am fighting cancer I can't help but feel the happiest I have ever felt. I don't want you to be disappointed with me though. You didn't sign up to have a human mate that is sick."

I put my chin onto top of her head ," Well you could never disappoint me darling. You are stronger right now than most werewolves will ever be. You show me everyday how lucky I am to have you as my mate." She leaned up and kisses me passionately and my wolf took pleasure in her lips on ours he wanted to mark her as his.

I mumbled against her lips ," Careful darling. I can't control my wolf wanting to take you with you doing that."

She pulled away and looked me in my eyes and said , " Mark me then Mason. Your all I'm going to ever want or need."

Did she really just say that? I was shocked and looked at her questionably and asked, " Are you sure?"

She nodded her head and kissed me one more time. I moved her hair from her neck and trailed kisses from her jaw down to the nape of her neck to where I will leave my mark on her. After kissing and sucking on her neck for a few moments I sunk my canines into her neck. Pure joy busted through my body as she wrapped her arms around my body pulling me closer to her than I already was.

I smirked against her skin ," You are testing my control over my wolf tonight dear."  She whispered in my ear ," Lose control honey I'm yours. I trust you ." This girl was made for me in every-way. She constantly surprises me.

I looked at her to make sure it's what she wanted and she nodded her head.

   I pulled her close pulling her gown that she had on eventually tearing it off exposing my beauty in just her bra and underwear. I rolled us over and pushed her against the bed kissing every inch of her beautiful body. Her hands roaming all over me caused me to instantly want to take her. I pulled her on to my lap and she wrapped her arms around my neck leaving kisses down my neck. I couldn't help bet let out a growl of approval.

We then sunk into absolute bliss.

After our night of bliss we fell asleep with our naked body's tangled up. I can't believe that I am finally fully matted now to my angel. I am still curious about how she had such weapons skills.

My curiosity causing me to mind link Jonah ," Find any information on Andys father yet?"

Jonah responded instantly, "  I have found some information but there isn't much to go on. All the information I have in his name which is Ronald Edward Acre. Born December 30, 1964 in Eastman, Georgia. Under his name it says honorable discharge. Which means he was in some branch on military.  Weird thing is there is no information showing he was married or had any children."

I briefly reply ," OK. Thank you Jonah."

What is she not telling me. I know talking about her parents is a hard subject but I need to know what's going on.

I will ask her when she wakes up because I know our fun tonight has taken all her energy along with the events earlier in the day.

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