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Mason Norwood

Circumstances don't matter when you are dealt a foul hand and we all get that hand at least once in our life. Some of us get a few of those hands dealt to us.

The strong will push through the toughest times and come out on the other end stronger than they ever have been before. That is where I am at in my life right now, the other side of the dark tunnel.

I stand in front of the floor length mirror as I straighten the collar of my white dress shirt. Today is my coronation for me to be officially crowned werewolf king.

Next to me, my mother delicately laid my black suit jacket out on the crimson chair. Her long, pale fingers picking at invisible lint with a soft smile on her face. Reaching out, I grasped her small hand, holding it still. Dark blue eyes looked up at me with love and adoration, a smile forming on her painted red lips.

"Mom can you let the priest know I will be down in a few."

Nodding she pushed a piece of my blonde hair back before hugging me firmly. Her scent enveloped me, holding me close in a comforting embrace. "I'm so proud of you. I know that you will make a strong, courageous leader."

 Straitening my black tie and slip on my black jacket as I then proceed to walk towards the ceremony as I'm followed by four royal guards.

I stand at the door way looking over the rows full of powerful werewolves and council members awaiting me to walk down the aisle. The whole length of the aisle is lined with red velvet ropes delicately clipped to gold poles and as the horns signal for everybody to stand I begin to walk down the aisle and towards the priest.

Success is not built on success. It's built on failure. It's built on frustration and sometimes it is built on catastrophe. My success thus far has been hard earned due to my father abandoning me and my mother when I was young.

I step up towards the mahogany podium that the priest is standing behind ," We are here today to crown our new king. Today Alpha Norwood becomes alpha of all alphas!"

The crowd erupts into applause as the priest raises his pale wrinkled fingers which we're grasping the crown tightly. " Do you Alpha Norwood vow to lead this kingdom for the rest of your days and honor the legacy that has been passed down to you until your dying breath?"

I stand facing everybody in the crowd ," I vow to protect and honor my kingdom for the rest of my living days." The priest placed the crown on top of my head as he said a silent prayer. Everybody in the room bowed their heads in respect as I walked back down the isle.

After the ceremony everybody gathered outside for the after party. Standing next to the door way I observe and noticed everyone having a good time but ever since I stepped out I cant stay focused.

" Hey I am going to go for a run. I need to clear my head. Okay." Standing next to my mom whom was holding an empty champagne glass in her delicate hand.

"  Okay honey. Be safe." She says to me while placing her pale hand on my shoulder briefly as she walks past me to the bar, that was set in the middle of the garden, to grab another glass of champagne.

Shifting into my huge grey wolf I shake out my thick long fur and then proceed to the forest.

The crisp breeze whips through my fur causing a chill of pleasure to run down my spine. I have always loved running in my wolf form but lately I have been too busy to let my self relax or let loose.

I let my instincts take over as my large paws padded on the forest floor east towards the outskirts of town. The closer I got the faster my legs would push my body.

Stopping at the edge of the tree line I lay down to observe the small town and the people walking along the streets. We are still a secret to humans even though there are countless books written about us most things the have come to believe about us are not true at all.

As a small boy growing up I always wondered what it would be like to live a normal life as a human. The one thing werewolves have that humans do not are mates and for me that is what I have been waiting on for a while now.

As the breeze blows once again the most amazing sent of roses took over my senses . Looking towards the small dinner that was not far from where I am at I catch who the scent is coming from.

I see the most beautiful girl sitting at one of the tables outside by herself eating a sandwich. Her beautiful long blonde hair blew in the wind causing a shiver to run down my spine. From the distance I can still notice her beautiful green eyes that I could get memorized for hours just looking at them.

I could not help but feel delighted I have found my mate and on my coronation day of all days. My delight was short lived when I came to the realization that she is human.My life is filled with danger and if word gets out that my mate is human then she will have a target hanging over her head.

Sighing in frustration I shake my head in under dismay. I will look out for my beautiful mate in any way I can and I will one day have her in my arms when I feel it's safe for her to be. Taking one last look at my beautiful mate and say in my mind ," There is my heart and then there is you my darling and I am sure there is not any difference."

I turn and run into the night filled with the thoughts of my beautiful mate.

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