Chapter 11

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Andy's POV

I can't help but feel comfort in how my life is right now with Mason. He's the light in my darkness.

I wake up laying on Mason's shoulder and couldn't help but feel embarrassed at my actions.

I looked at him and felt the blush rise on my face ," I'm sorry. I didn't realize I was that tired." He looked at me with the same smile that didn't meet his eyes.

I frowned and asked ," What's wrong? I am truly sorry I fell asleep."

He cleared his throat ," It's OK really darling. You needed to rest because you have been through a lot. If we are telling the truth here I liked having you close to me." And with that he gave me a cheeky smile that warmed my heart.

I put my hand on his to say ," There is a 'but' behind that sentence Mason. So just tell me please."

He stood up and walked past the coffee table until he looked at me and spoke ," Urshall found something alarming in your blood work and he's coming here to tell us what he has found out with the second sample."

It was only a few minutes after Mason told me Urshall walked in the house. To be honest I was afraid of what he had found and it's seemed Mason was stressing over it too. Urshall walked over to sit in the chair across from me while Mason just stood behind the couch.

He cleared his throat to speak ," Luna I took another sample of your blood because I saw some alarming results and so to my dismay they were right the first time. Luna I'm sorry to say but you have cancer."

The one word nobody wants to hear they have and I have it. Just like my mother and my father I have cancer.

I didn't know I was breathing heavy until I saw Mason squat down in front of me and grab my hands. He was talking but I couldn't hear him.

The only thing that was going through my head was ' I have cancer '. Then everything went black.

It felt like I had been asleep for hours when I heard people talking but I couldn't open my eyes.

" Alpha my magic won't turn around what's fated to happen. If magic was a cure for cancer then I imagine someone would have found out a long time ago."

Then I heard Mason ," Annabelle we have to do something other than chemo and radiation. The toll it's going to take on her is going to be awful. "

I pushed my eyes open finally. I managed to say with a dry throat ," Mason don't worry too much. We don't know how bad it even is. " I sat up against the headboard to see a brown haired brown eyed woman about the same age as me standing on the opposite  side of the bed as Mason.

Mason spoke once he saw I noticed her ," Andy this is Annabelle. She is our witch. In my family we each have a witch in who we trust and she is ours. She will also be your friend. "

I nodded my head and turned to look Annabelle to say ," Well I guess you know my name already and who I am but I feel like I should do it my self. Hi my name is Andy Acre and I'm Masons mate."

As soon as I said I was his mate he grabbed my hand and kissed the top of it sending sparks through my whole body.

Mason was needed in the meeting hall for something but he wouldn't leave me by myself so Annabelle was more than happy to stay. I honestly enjoyed bonding with another female.

She aske " What kind of music are you going to want at your wedding? "

I said ," I like sweet love songs and I love Dan and Shay. I would hope to have them sing at my wedding one day..." and my sentence trailed off to me saying nothing.

What if I don't live to have a wedding? What if the cancer had progressed too much to do anything to treat it.

Annabelle must have figured out what I was thinking. She grabbed my hand to say ," Andy you will live to marry Mason. You will get through this."

Before I could answer Mason came through the door and said ," Yes you will darling and I will be here for you always like I have said from the beginning."

I smiled at him and told both Mason and Annabelle ,"Thank you both so much."

The next few days Urshall was getting the necessary equipment to find out how bad the cancer is and today we will find out. Apparently Mason is dedicating one of the rooms down stairs in the house for all the equipment I could ever need through the whole process.

Sitting beside Mason in the living room I was scared out of my mind. I didn't notice I was shaking until Mason put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me in to a hug. With his chin on top of my head he said ," I'm going to be here with you the whole time. OK."

I nodded my head but I needed to get something off my chest , " You know Mason since I'm probably dying and only have a limited about of time I think we should stay in the same room for now on. I still want to take things step by step but I do want to have everything with you."

I felt him tense up and talk through his clenched teeth ," You aren't going to die." I didn't say anything just sat there in his arms.

Urshall walked out of the room and said ," We are ready for you Luna."

I took in a shaky breath and followed Mason into the room. It was set up with a hospital bed in the corner and a black leather recliner in the other corner with IV poles beside it and a TV on the adjacent wall. Not to mention all the fancy machines. I stopped in my tracks seeing it all.

Mason and Urshall noticed and Mason grabbed my hand while Urshall continued to say ," Luna we may not need all this but I rather have everything then not. We need to get you in the PET scan machine now to find out the results. Ok? Will you sit on the bed please?" I took a few minutes but nodded my head.

He continued by telling me ," Now this nurse is going to hook the contrast up to you through IV." I didn't say anything. I felt a tear slip down my cheek but Mason wiped it away.

He looked at me with sad eyes and said ," Darling everything is going to be OK. We are going to get you better and then you will go through transition and be OK."

I looked over at him and shook my head ," I was just thinking my dad died from cancer three years ago and now I have it when you found me. I was broken when you found me but now I'm even more broken. "

I turned my head saddened by the thought of it. What makes me so special for him to love me whenI'm so broken.

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