Chapter 16

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Mason's POV

As I sit in my office under loads of paper work I have been putting off I can't help but want to be with Andy. She has locked herself in our room for the past week. It's my fault for digging information about her father but I had to know.

Since Andy's meeting the council has been aggravating me about having another meeting with her and wanting to know more about her. I suppose her stunt made them respect her but on the flip side Jonathan wanted nothing more than to hurt her.

I still have the issue with Blake I have to handle too. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Annabelle walked it my office.

" Alpha Mason I think you should go spend time with Andy. She hasn't been talking for the last couple of days "  she says with concern.

I stand up from behind my desk and run my fingers through my hair ," She hasn't been talking to me since she told us about her father. I know she is depressed. I will go up there now and see if I can get her to talk" I said in frustration.

I open the door to our bedroom to find Andy sitting in the chair by the window with her chemo bag hanging on the pole. She hasn't had the energy to go down stairs to the room I had equipped for her so he just stays up here.

I walk over to notice her looking out the window in a daze. She is so beautiful with her long blond hair falling down her face and her amazing green eyes are something to get lost in. I cleared my throat to get her attention.

She turned her head to look at me ," I thought you had to catch up on work " she said in a monotone voice.

I sat on the bed and said ," Yes I did but I have gotten most of it done. I wanted to come spend some time with you if you want me to." She nodded her head.

She proceed to lay her head back on the chair and say ," I'm sorry for being distant since the other day. I just don't like talking about my parents and actually hearing myself admit that I'm following in my dad's foot steps with the cancer thing just made me loose it."

Grabbing her hand I say ," You have no reason to be sorry I understand it's hard on you."

We sat there for a while just enjoying each others company when Andy asked in a tired voice ," Mase can you go over there and get me that brown box please?"

Surprised at her nickname she has given me I had to say ," Ah someone has finally given me a nickname. I like it." I got up and walked over to the other side of the room to my dresser where the strange box she wanted sat. I picked it up and took it over to her.

She rested her hands on top of the box and took in a deep breath to say ," This is all I have left of my father. He wasn't a materialistic man but what he did have has person value to me. If something happens I need you to keep this safe for me please." 

I didn't know what to say so I just sat and looked at her confused. She opened the box for me to see various documents and a few awards but what shocked me was the pendant she pulled out and handed me.

She said ," My father told me to never give anyone anything out of this box because it held our family secrets. I want you to have this though because I trust you. I haven't trusted anyone since my parents died until I met you. I trust you with every part of my being Mase."

Her words made my heart swell with love and adoration. The pendant was a triangle with two arrows forming a cross in the center. I have seen this symbol before but I was brought out of my thoughts when Andy asked ," Can you take me out side please? I need fresh air and I want to be somewhere other than in the house." 

I nodded my head and gathered up a few things she may need.

I also mind linked Jonah 'Meet me in the garden behind my house. I need you to look at something'  He responded ' Yes Alpha '

I walk out to the the bench with Andy in my arms. I sat her down and wrapped a blanket around her shoulders even though it was only October she was always pretty cold. I sat down beside her and she moved closer to lay her head on my shoulder.

My wolf and I are happy that she has became more comfortable with me. I felt her move her head to look at the clear blue sky.

" I hope I am strong enough to not only get through this cancer but also be in your world Mase " she said with sadness in her voice.

I tightened my grip around her shoulder and said ," You are stronger than you think. I have told you before that you are stronger than most werewolves now as a human." I felt her nod her head but I didn't say anything else because Jonah walked up.

" Hello Alpha and Luna " he said. She gave him a small smile and relaxed back into me.

'Sit down beside me' I mind linked him. When he sat down I proceeded to say ' I want you to look at this symbol and tell me what it is '

I hand the pendant to him and as soon as he looked at it he mind linked me ' Alpha this is the hunters symbol. The legend says there is only 7 hunters at one time but nobody has seen any sign of a hunter in centuries. Alpha did this belong to our Luna's father?'

I look down at my beautiful mate and her heart is beating at a steady pace which means she has fallen asleep.

' Yes is was her father's. My worst assumption is right. He may have been in the Special Ops but I feel he was training her to take on the huntress position.'

If the council finds out they are going to want her slaughtered and I refuse to have my beautiful mate taken from me.

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