Chapter 3

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Andy's POV :

 I walk into class and sit down in the back in corner where I always sit by myself. I start taking my books out of my bag when I realize a black haired guy , that I have never seen before , walk into the room. He stiffened and started sweeping the room with his odd brown eyes, then when he saw me he stopped. I got a sense of unease so I ducked my head down and pulled out my computer checking to see what was on the agenda for today's lecture. I heard a chair pull out beside me and look up to see the same guy. He was handsome in a very dark and creepy way.

I looked back to my computer to only hear him clear his throat and say ," Hello, my name is Blake Ashworth. I couldn't help but notice you all by yourself and had to find out why such a beauty would be alone."

  I couldn't have felt more relieved when the professor walked through the doors and said as he placed his computer down ," The mind is its own place, and in its self it can make it either a heaven or hell. Biology is about living organisms , chemistry is the reactions that happen in and around those said organisms. So class tell me, in the scenario of casualties in a humans life what biological and chemical  processing is the brain going through?"  Everyone is silent and I can tell this lecture  is going to be rough because death and loss is a subject I avoid ever since I lost my parents.

I saw the professor narrow his eyes at Blake ," You there, you are new so let me understand you by having you give me an answer to my question."

I look at my computer trying to block out this whole situation but couldn't help but tune in when I hear Blake start to talk ," Well sir in my opinion human emotions such as grief show weakness. Only the weak will try and change what they can not control and if you can not control your own body well that only further proves my point. Your chemistry answer will be the human brain lowers it's serotonin out put therefore putting the brain in 'limp mode'  as you can say."

His words stung and my heart ached for the loss I still feel. I had to get out of here so I swiftly packed my things and walked out the doors. I couldn't handle this guy and his so called opinions.

   I walked out of the building and decided I need to clear my mind. I walk to the pond and sit under the willow tree just to let my mind wonder. I don't like being alone because it's the worst feeling in the world having nobody.

Nobody will miss me if I'm gone I should just end it so I will be out of my own pain, I thought to myself and I began to sob quietly to myself. I take the blanket out of my bag and lay it down under the tree so I can relax. I lay there admiring the ducks swimming, the birds singing and the breeze blowing and feel myself  unwind.

I close my eyes and begin to drift off until I hear footsteps stop near me. I turn my head to look up to find Mason from earlier standing over me with a concerned expression.

 I am confused as to why he's standing over me with concern written across his face. " Hey Mason, what is wrong? "

He looks at me for a minute before he says," Andy I can tell something is bothering you and I want you to know I can be the person for you to talk to. I want to help you." He crouched down to his knees beside me and put his hand on my shoulder. "Even though we have only had one brief conversation I will be there for you because there is a connection between us."

I felt sparks cover my entire body and couldn't help but feel my heart warm up to his words. I sit up against the tree and look at him in disbelief. I find the words to say ," I have been on my own for 3 years now since my parents both died ; Not confiding in anybody and just staying to myself. You are a stranger to me and you are wanting to be here for me. Why?"

He sat down beside me and followed by saying " Simple, like I told you I feel a connection to you and I know you feel one to me. I feel everyone needs one person in this cruel world they can feel they can be one hundred percent them self with."

   We just sat there for a while and took in the nature around us. For the first time I was feeling happy. I stood up and told him I was going to the restroom. In 3 years I have not had anybody I was close enough to to want to talk about my parents.

Why was Mason different?  I thought to myself.

I washed my hands and walked out the door when a pair of hands covered my mouth so I couldn't scream. I was pulled back to a corner and turned to faced the person who snatched me ; it was Blake, the new guy.

What would make him want to do this to me. I was angry ,"Who do you think you are! You have no right to touch me!" I ripped my arm away from his grip but he held a smirk on his face like there was an obvious pun. 

He looked at me and said ," Oh my dear I have every right to touch you for are mine to touch." He grabbed my arm and started to pull me down the hall.

Who is this guy? I belong to nobody and I won't be ordered around and forced around.

I snatched my arm but this time his nails dug into my flesh and blood was running down my arm. I cried in pain at the agony that went through my arm.

I looked up towards him with tears in my eyes but I noticed him stiffen. He turn around slowly to look at my arm which has blood dripping down it.

In that moment I saw his brown eyes turn blood red like the devil himself was looking at me.

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