Chapter 25

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Andy's POV

  I start to gain some consciousnesses but I feel as if an eighteen wheeler has ran me over. I groan and sit up to find I am alone in a room. I look around to realize I am in mine and Mason's room. Realization hit me and my heart swells with happiness knowing Mason saved me but I wounder where he is at.

I stand up and walk towards the door to go find Mason and hopefully something for this headache.

I can hear Mason talking to somebody in his office but the other person sounds like Blake.

'No that's crazy' I think to myself. Mason just saved me from him. I opened the door to have Mason snap his attention towards me and the other person turn around. I am shocked when it is Blake who turned to look at me and I feel nothing but rage.

" Why is he here? You just saved me from his attempt to take me Mason!" I seeth through my teeth.

" Darling I have a lot to explain but I need you to calm down for me. You have been through a lot and your body needs to adjust." He walks slowly towards me like I am a threat.

I can feel myself literally shaking with anger. I feel like my inner self is being pulled from the inside when I hear a bone shaking growl come from my mouth.

" You need to calm down you are about to shift darling."  He grabs my hand which was balled up in a fist.

Why would he tell me to calm down when he is the one talking to Blake like he is a new found friend.

I snatch my hand away. "No I will not calm down Mason. You are talking to the person who has given me pain since we have been together and you are acting like your buddies who are catching up." I feel myself shake even harder causing me to stumble backwards a little but I gain my balance quickly.

I look past Mason at Blake and point my finger at him. " How dare you take me and tie me to a chair! How dare you almost kill me!" I say as I launch myself towards the sick demented vampire that stands before me.

I grab him by the throat and push him against the wall as I continue to shake with anger. I see the surprise in his eyes mixed with something else. Love?

" Now Andy let us explain please."  Mason says behind me in a calm voice.

This only angered me more. All this anger is new to me but feeling stronger than I ever have before is something I can get used to.

I let go of his throat when I feel a pain reminding me of me headache. I groan and back away from Blake with my hand holding the side of my head.

" Are you OK?" I look up see it was Blake looking at me concerning.

I felt Mason pull me into a hug and nuzzle his face into my neck. This simple gesture made me so happy and made my anger simply fade away.

I pull away from Mason to sit on the couch in the middle of the room.  " Why are you concerned all of a sudden Blake?" I asked in an aggravated tone. Mason sits beside me and puts his arm around me.

Blake looks at me as he runs his hands through his jet black hair " Andy we have a lot to explain so please give us a chance to do so."

" Fine start explaining." I lean on Mason more due to the pounding in my head.

Blake takes in a deep breath," Vampires have mates just like werewolves but with us we can find them either when we are 20 or 120. I have waited on my mate," He gestures towards me," For a very long time and my concept of love was distorted. I thought I could force you to love me. "

" Love is a promise and once it is broken it means nothing." I say with complete honesty.

" You are right and it is because of me you died and Annabelle had to link your life to mine to be able to bring you back. I did not know you had cancer and went through months of pain. I know I am a horrible mate." Blake says as he holds his head down.

" I was dead? So you are telling me I was brought back to life as in resurrected." I asked confused.

Blake looked at me and nodded his head. ' Wow I was dead.' Is what I am thinking to myself.

Mason clears his throat as he rests his chin on my head," Darling you have been through a lot and you have a lot to understand. We wont unload every bit of information on you right now but just know Blake has agreed to be better towards you and protect you from now on."

I honestly am over this whole  thing right now. I need to lay down and just be with Mason.

I nod my head ," I will forgive you for what you have done but you have a long road to gain my trust Blake." He looks at me and whispers a Thank you.

I tilt my head up to look at Mason," Mase can we go to our room. My head is killing me. "

He tightens his arm around me as he said ," Of course darling lets get you back up to bed."

We walk up to our room in a comfortable silence hand in hand just enjoying each others company. 

As we get in the room I walk straight to the bed and get under the covers. Mason goes to the bathroom.

I begin to close my eyes when I felt the bed sink and an arm snake around me. " I don't know what I would do with out you darling. You gave me the biggest scare of my life." He said in my ear with his husky voice.

I could not think of anything except for his arm around my waste and me wanting to run my hands over every inch of his body.

I turn around in his hold to look at his glorious hazel eyes," I am not leaving you Mase. We have to get married remember? "

He gave me a sexy smirk ," I could never forget about marrying you because I want to make you mine in every single possible way. I want you to know just how much I love you."

I bit my bottom lip as I look into his eyes ," You can show me how much you love me right now you know."

" Darling you know I want to and I also know your hormones are all out of sorts right now because you just transitioned. I don't want to take advantage of you."

I put my hands on either side of his face , " I want you to take advantage of me. I want my Alpha to remind me how much he loves me."

He let out a low growl and pinned me against the bed while hovering over me.

" You are making it almost impossible to resist you my darling. I like this devilish side of you." He said as he blew his warn breath against the skin of my neck.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and started trailing kisses from the base of his ear down his neck. I was lost in the moment completely forgetting about my headache. I mumbled against his neck ,"Mase I want you to show me please."

I felt him snake his arms around me and grip me tightly around my waste, " As you wish my Queen."

He picked me up and positioned me so I am straddling him on the bed. He ripped my shirt off followed by unbuttoning my pants. He quickly flipped us back over and slipped my pants off.

I lay in just my bra and underwear in front of Mason now. I feel the same vibration in my throat but this was not of anger but of lust for the man in front of me.

I let out a low growl as I rip his shirt and pants off quickly leaving him in only his boxers.

He grabbed my hands and pinned them above my head. "  My my your transition has made you feisty darling. I'm going to have fun showing you just how dominant your alpha is."

I smirked at him and winked ," Dominate me Alpha." That was all I had to say for him to take all control for the rest of the night.

Okay I want to thank everyone who is reading my book. I have had some writers block so my chapters have been coming more slowly than usual. Also please check out my other book ' His Cherokee Princess '.

Oh my gosh yall!!!! 1,000 reads!!! It may not seem like much but to me it means the world! I thank each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart!!!!!!

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