Chapter 22

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Mason's POV

Myself, Jonah, Don and a few pack fighters have been in a pack meeting trying to come up with a solid plan to protect everyone in our pack and Andy after she transitions in a few days.

" We can double up the patrols on the border and advise the alphas of each pack." offered Don

" Also set a time for the pack to be inside so nobody will be out too late and risk getting taken or hurt. It will give the fighters a more focused approach." Said Jonah

I nodded my head but other werewolves are not what I am worried about. Its the vampires and witches that are either wanting Andy to breed with or kill. If they swarm our pack we will have many casualties.

" For the blood moon I want everybody in their houses by eight and I want all guards and fighters patrolling all day and night for a few days. I understand its going to be tiring but with Andy going through transition every supernatural being is going to want to storm our pack and I wont allow it. She is our queen and we need to protect her. " I looked at everyone from my position at the head of the table.

Everybody nodded their heads and agreed. Now we need to prepare for the blood oath and Andy's transition.

Before the Blood Oath

As I am in the bathroom getting the bandages for Andy's wound I cant help but be so proud with how she handles situations that are thrown at her. She has grown so much confidence since we have been together. I honestly cant wait to merry her and start a family.

I was snapped out of my train of though when I felt a small hand grab my forearm and turned around to see Andy looking up at me.

" Mase are you OK? You were zoned out." She said with concern.

" Everything is fine Darling. I was just thinking." I cleared my throat and said ," Lets get you one the counter so I can bandage you up."

She nodded her head and walked over to the counter which I then proceeded to lift her on to. I lifted her shirt up and put the bandage on the spot that had opened up.It was not too bad but we can not risk her getting an infection and loss strength. She's still at very high risk going through this transition.

" We will need to make sure it does not get infected in the next couple of days." I said with out looking at her. She grabbed face to make me look at her before she placed her lips on mine leaving a tender kiss before she pulled away.

I opened my eyes to look at her and before I said anything she said ," This will work Mase and we will get married soon. I am feeling better everyday. I just need to make it through transition. "

I gave her a small smile and kissed her like my life depended on it. I picked her up carefully and walked back to the bed. I placed her gently on the bed never breaking the kiss. As I moved down her neck kissing ever inch until I got to her mark she was panting but as soon as I sucked on her mark she let out a loud moan.

I had to stop myself before I could not hold my back my wolf. " Darling we need to get ready for the oath." She poked her lip out pouted. " OH don't do that. You know I don't want to stop." She took a minute but then she pulled my head back down and kissed me with all her passion.

" Mase I want you right now  baby." She whispered in my ear.

I let out a growl of approval. She is being so seductive right now I cant help but want to take her right now. I tear off both our clothes and pin her against the bed. I gave what my dear girl wanted and probably a little more.

After we finished we got dressed and walked down stairs to meet Jonah and Don to head towards the middle of town.

Andy's POV

  As we walk towards town I notice all of the lights are off except the street lights and as we get closer to the square I notice candles spread out everywhere around the center. In the middle stands Joseph and a few others all in ground length black cloaks.

Mason grabs my hand and whispers in my ear ," It will be over before you know it darling. Just do what is said." I nodded my head and followed him to the center of the candles.

" We are here today to preform ,in front of all our ancestors, the sacred blood oath to prove Andy Acre's loyalty toward the werewolf race. "Joseph said in a formal tone.

Mason walked towards the pedestal and grabbed a knife then walked back to stand in front of me.

" Andy Acre do you vow to bring no harm to a fellow werewolf unless you or your fellow pack members are in danger." Mason says to me.

" Yes I Andy Acre vow to bring no harm to a fellow werewolf unless myself or another member is in danger."

After I said that all the men in black cloaks raise their hands towards the sky and chant in unison ," Ancient ancestors witness this oath now."

Mason grabs my hand and drags the blade across my palm causing blood to ooze out. He then cuts his palm and says ," I here by complete this oath." He grabs my hand having our blood mix together.

I heard the most feral sound in my life in the tress behind me and I noticed Mason heard it too because he pulled me behind him. Cans where thrown towards us and smoke started to pour out around us. Before I could comprehend what was going on everyone was on the ground except Mason and I but Mason was struggling to stand on his feet.

Right before Mason's eyes closed he told me ," Andy run they are going to take you." When he said that both us hit the ground because I could not hold his weight. Before I could even think I was snatched away from Mason and a cool rag was placed over my face taking me into the darkness.

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