Chapter 4

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Mason's POV

  I sit here under the tree waiting on my mate to come back watching the ducks and birds until I felt an unbearable pain in my arm due to the mate bond. Knowing something was wrong I got up and ran towards Andy's scent.

When I saw that leech had my mate I lost my mind. "Blake I suggest you let her go now! Remember the laws and by the looks of it your close to breaking them. You either let her go now or I break your arm off and shove it where the sun don't shine!"

I switched my gaze from him to my poor mate and she was white as a ghost. I know she saw and knew something was up with him but I didn't think she knew what he was. I will have to explain everything later.

Blake pushed Andy down to the floor and ran towards me but I knew how to handle him. I stepped to the left as he ran past me I dug my claws in his shoulder and threw him into wall.

" If you do not take my warning to you seriously I will have to take matters in to my own hands. Nobody is above the law, not even a prince like you." I spat at him.

He nodded his head and said ," This isn't over. She is special and so alluring. I can tell by your actions that she is your mate. So she will never be safe from now on." After he said he disappeared.

  I ran over to Andy who was leaning on the wall unconscious. I looked at her arm and noticed how deep the wounds are.

For me they would be compared to a paper cut but to a human they could be deadly if the bleeding isn't controlled.

I mind linked the pack doctor all while taking my shirt off and wrapping her arm compressing the wounds. " Urshall I need you at me house with in 10 minutes. Bring everything you will need to tend to vampire wounds on a human. Tell nobody of this I will explain when I see you "

He replied " yes alpha."

I gently pick up Andy bridal style to take her back to my house for Urshall to tend to her wounds

Everything is going to change now for the both of us. She will be in my life now after three years. I honestly can not help but feel happy  about having her fully in my life now. With an absent father all my life I was worried I was going to have another void in my life.

I looked down at my mate in my arms and realized I never knew how depressed she was until now. Looking at her I would not have assumed that but now I must get to know her.

  Urshall was beside my mate cleaning her wounds. He didn't ask any questions as to who she is to me but he probably assumed since she is the first and only human I have shown compassion to that she is my mate.

I asked ," How is she?" While sitting on the bed beside her holding her other hand.

He looked up from her arm ," She is in rough shape. She lost a lot of blood and these wounds are going to take months to heal completely . She will need a lot of time to get over these wounds along with whatever emotional and psychological problems she's going to encounter due to this experience."

He exhaled a deep breath and stated ," She is our future Luna and werewolf queen isn't she." I nodded my head and looked at my sleeping beauty.

Even though she was battered and pale, compared to her usual tanned completion, she is still the most beautiful creature I have ever seen.

  Urshall was stitching up her arm now and had one of the pack nurses hook up some antibiotics.

He looked up at me and said ," Alpha I already know your going to sit with her since she is your mate but I just wanted to let you know when she wakes up she's going to be in a lot of pain. You know how vampire claw marks take longer to heal on us than a fellow werewolf claw mark. It will be the same for her." He pauses for a moment," Are you going to explain everything to her and introduce her to the pack as Luna?"

I looked up at him and told him ," I'm going to explain everything to her when she's ready to understand. Either way she's going to have protection now and if she wants me to I will introduce her to the pack soon. With in the year she will need to go through transition to ensure her safety and rule beside me."

He nodded his head and left the room.

She has been knocked out for 4 days now and I'm getting worried but Urshall said that it is just her body in shock. It is normal for the human body to shut down like this to heal.

I sit down by her bed and hold her hand. " Andy if you can hear me you have to wake up. I need you more than I ever have needed you before. I have so much to tell you.
Angel please wake up."

I am not a man to cry but at this moment tears slipped out as I lay my head down on the bed beside her. I begin to contemplate on how to tell her about everything and how her life is going to permanently change.

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