Chapter 8

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Mason's POV

I can't believe I was oblivious to the amount of pain my mate has been in the past 3 years. I made it my goal not to interact with her for her safety so I wouldn't know about her parents passing but I should have seen the pain she was in. Now that I'm sitting beside her and told her the truth the look of hurt on her face ,from it all and now I'm adding to it, kills me.

She looks at me with tears running down her face ," You have known about me for three years and you haven't tried to connect with me in anyway even though I had absolutely nobody. You let me be alone and in misery intentionally?"

I looked at her seriously and say ," Yes I have known about you for three years but I have checked on you everyday for as long as I have known about you. I kept this a secret from everyone except my beta and gamma for your safety. I didn't know about your parents death and I swear to you if I would have known I would have been there for you. I can't change the past but I am here now. I will be your shoulder to cry on if you need it or your punching bag. I'm here like I have told you before."

She turned her head to look out the window again and it has just stopped raining. She opened door and walked back to the graves since it stopped raining. I signed and got out of my car and walked up behind her as she stood at the foot of the two graves.

She all of a sudden turned to look at me," I understand your intentions behind why you kept us a secret and I forgive you. I wouldn't want to be involved in my life either. It's a never ending funeral in my mind. Sadness in all honesty has taken over my life."

Her words felt like a knife was stabbed into my heart. I stepped in front of her and grabbed her shoulders so she had to look at me when I said ," Andy I have always wanted to be in your life. I can't help but wonder where would we be now if I would have connected with you three years ago but I couldn't put you in danger. Your in danger being my mate and I care about you far too much to have you hurt or worse killed. I want to put happiness back in your life and for you to truly smile again not just put on a happy face so people won't know what's really going on."

She just simply nodded her head. She turned to the graves and said mainly to herself, "Mom and dad life hasn't been the same with out you. I miss you more than you could ever imagine. My birthday has never been the same without you."

I heard her groan then pull her arm to her chest and I knew her arm was hurting her.

I cleared my throat and began saying ," Andy I know you don't want to go but you do need to rest. We can come back tomorrow if you like." She nodded her head and began walking back to the car but I sensed someone watching us and getting closer.

I ran to Andy and grabbed her shoulder to get her to stop. I held up my hand to tell her to stay still and I took in a deep breath to get the scent of the person watching us.

I muttered to myself ," Stupid leech." What is he doing here? He must have a death wish.

I looked at my mate and she was looking at me confused as to what was going on and I couldn't get her to the car before he would be here.

As I suspected as soon as I turned to take her the rest of the way to the car Blake was leaned up against it. I felt Andy stiffen beside me and start trembling at the sight of him. A growl ripped through my chest at the sight of him sending fear in my mate.

I spoke through clenched teeth ," What are you doing here leech. Haven't you done enough damage."

He smirked and said ," I didn't intend on doing what I did. I deeply apologize to you Andy. You have the wrong perspective of me. I am not a monster like you think I am."

I laughed bitterly at him and told him ," You are the monster. Look at what you did to her by simply loosing your control. Shes human."

He nodded and said ," Yes I know how fragile she is but there is something that you both should know." He directed his intention to Andy who was standing behind me gripping my arm in fear. " I know you are Mason's mate but I should inform you that you are also mine."

As soon as he said those words I lunged towards him to rip his heart out but he moved to the side evading my attack. I got my footing and looked back to see him behind my mate.

He looked at me with an evil grin and spoke ," You know Mason I am not the enemy. I could careless about your kind but it's unfortunate that we were destined for the same mate. Unlike you if she dies I will get another. Maybe one of my own kind. If you don't give her to me I will simply have to kill her."

When he said that he grabbed her by the back of the neck and looked down at her ," My dear I am sorry for my actions. With you being human I have to drink your blood for it to not appeal to me in the manner as it did before." Before I could even moved he had his teeth in her neck causing her to let out a scream of pain.

I still yelled ," Stop now! She's not strong enough to handle you taking anymore of her blood!" As soon as I said it she collapsed on the ground. I ran over to her not caring he was standing over me.

I mind linked Jonah "Come to the Old Hickory Cemetery now. Blake has attacked our Luna. Attack to kill." He replied " Yes Alpha."

I look down at my poor mate broken even more than she already was and it angered me beyond measures.

I felt my wolf wanting to take control when I looked up at the monster ," You say she's your mate yet you will inflict pain and even death on her at will! Did you even know today was her birthday?! Most likely not. I am her mate and I will show her love and compassion. Something you will never know about! I swear you will die a painful death for hurting her!"

He looked at me as if I snapped him out of his thoughts ," She will be mine. Just wait."

With that he disappeared into the forest. I took off my shirt and put pressure on her neck where he bit her to stop the bleeding.

A few minutes past and Jonah ran up to me slightly winded said ," Alpha he crossed the boarder into his own lands before I could catch up to him. What are we going to do? He broke several laws including hurting a human in public and threatening the life of a Luna."

I stood up holding my mate in my arms and told him ," He will die. We have to catch him in our land or human land to put him on trial for all to see how much of a monster he is and for his family to see him die."

I put Andy in the back seat of my car and had Jonah sit in the back to hold pressure on her neck. I then drove to my house where she will finally be safe.

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