Chapter 18

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Unknown POV

As I stand behind a tree in the royal garden I see Mason hand Jonah a pendant. I look closely at the pendant and realize what it was.

The hunters symbol.

That wrench is a huntress and they are stupid to believe she wont hurt them. I have to figure something out.

At that moment I saw Annabelle walk around the side of the royal house. I ran after her and grabbed her shoulder.

She turned around to look at me and rolled her eyes when she saw me." What do you want?" she said annoyed. I looked at her and crossed my arms in front of me.

Annoyed I said ," Well that's no way to talk to someone who is informing you the king is in danger."

Her expression turned serious ," How is the king in danger?"

I cleared my throat and said ," Well that human mate of his isn't so human after all. She is a huntress. She has the trust and worse the love of the king he wont see her intentions of hurting him."

I saw the anger fill her facial expression and that is just what I wanted. She took off into the house to end the stupid wench once and for all.

Mason's POV

I looked at Annabelle pinning Andy to the wall with her powers and anger rushed through my body. " What the hell are you doing Annabelle? I order you to stop right this moment or you will be stripped of your role and sent to death!" I boomed in my alpha tone.

She didn't even flinch. For some reason she was angry as well.

She turned her head to look at me from the corner of her eye to say ," My king my role is to protect you and that is what I am doing. Even if its from your own mate."

Right when she said that she started closing her hand and Andy started to squirm. She was using her powers to choke her. I will not stand for this.

I stepped forward and yelled ," What the hell do I need to be protected from Andy for?"

She said in amused tone ," She is a huntress my King."

How did she know about that. None the less I had to stop her from hurting Andy.

" You must be stupid to think I didn't know that! What you have failed to realize is her dad passed down his skills but not his title! She has huntress blood but is not a huntress!"

When I said that she was distracted long enough for Jonah to tackle her to the ground and pin her.

As soon as she hit the ground so did Andy.

She hit the ground and grabbed her throat trying to get air through to her lungs. I ran over and picked her up hugging her close to my body. Concerned I asked,"Andy are you OK?"

She shook her head rapidly ," No I am not. Has she lost her mind? Why would she do this to me. You said she was supposed to protect me not try and kill me."

I walked towards Jonah who had Annabelle restrained to say ," Yes that is her role. She is supposed to protect the royal family instead she has intentions to kill. "

Annabelle looked up with sorrow in her eyes and said ," My King I wasn't told the whole story. I am sorry. Please forgive me. I was told she was a danger to you and I didn't want to risk your life. "

Andy's small voice spoke up after Annabelle said that ," You have spent all this time with me and you honestly think I would hurt Mason? You know that he is the one saved me from myself and from my miserable life. You have been one of the people I have leaned on through this whole process." Andy shook her head in disbelief, "Annabelle I never want to see you again"

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