Chapter 10

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Mason's POV

  I ran through the woods with Andy on my back and the feeling of finally be close to my mate is amazing. I know she wants to take things slow and fully understand everything , so I'm going to do as she wishes and give her time. Even though it is the exact opposite of what my wolf wants to do.

I hate she's been through so much alone and all I can do is be here for her now like she says. That's what I'm exactly going to do. No matter how many enemies I have she is going to be my priority along with my people.

I just hope Urshall is wrong about the test results for Andy. He told me he will meet me at my house with the results when we get back but until then I'm pushing that to the back of my mind. I am going to focus on Andy.

  As we got close to the pond I decided for us to walk the final few meters so we can talk. I lay down and turned my head to look at her on my back. I then tilted my head to signal for her to get off.

As she got down I walked over to a tree to shift and get dressed. When I walked from behind the tree I noticed Andy sitting on the ground resting her chin on her knees.

Concerned I quickly walked over and squatted down in front of her to ask ," Hey what's wrong darling? Are you hurting?"

She looked at me with those beautiful green eyes that I could get lost in for hours and said ," Yea I'm OK. Between being drained from any energy and just being extremely sad due to it being the anniversary of my parents death ; I'm just tired and not feeling the best."

" Well we can go back to the house if you want. You don't need to push it because you still are recovering." I looked at her and said.

She shook her head no and stood up ," No, I want to continue on. I'm having a great time with you and I'm really enjoying your company."

I stood up and smiled at her ," Mhm, you just want more alone time with me that's all. No need to say more. Lady's first " as I gestured my hand to where the pond is " I'm nothing but a gentleman."

She looked at me and gave me a dazzling smile that took my breath away ," Well Mr. Gentleman you are too kind but your head is swelling more which I didn't think was possible " as she patted me on my chest to walk past me but over her shoulder continued ," but you are correct about me wanting more time with you." Gosh this girl is something else.

  As we got to the pond I led her to a tree not far from the edge of the water for her to sit. I cleared my throat to speak ," So what was your childhood like?"

She didn't look at me to speak,she just looked at the water. After a few minutes she spoke ," I grew up in a very small town not far from the college I was going to. My parents didn't have a lot of money when I was growing up but they did every thing they could to make me happy. I got my love for being around water from both sides of my family. I have fond memories of fishing with my dad in ponds like this when I was younger. He also gave me my love for the outdoors and animals. My mom was a kind woman who stepped up when my dad pushed me aside between the ages of five and ten. Me and her moved to North Carolina for a while because my parents broke up for a year. I never went anywhere with friends just stayed to myself really because I was extremely shy "

I shook my head to say ," I'm sorry for everything you have been through."

She turned her head to look at me ," Its OK. I am who I am because of it all. "

  I looked out at the pond with the sun shinning down on the water and geese swimming. I spoke while not looking at her ,"  I understand your loss to an extent. My father left me and my mother when I was 12. He ran away with some woman he had an affair on my mom with. I had to step up as alpha at the age of 13 and step up as king when I turned 20. I never had the fatherly influence when I needed it. My mother did her best and she's an amazing and strong woman. She is the reason I'm the man I am today. I have my father's cold side with bad temper but I vowed to never be like him."

"Hey mom I am going to go train I will be back later, okay." I tell my mom as I begin to walk out the door.

Before I make it to the door my om calls me from the kitchen ," Honey I need you to come to the kitchen I need to talk to you."

My mom has always been a strait forward person and always will be. I know if something is important when she says she needs to talk to me but I have no Idea what it could be about because I know my dad just finalized all the pack documents for the month.

I walk into the kitchen to see her standing by the sink holding a piece of paper. " Mom what is wrong?"

When she turns around I notice she is crying ," Honey your father has left us and the pack indefinitely. He wrote this letter saying goodbye and passing down the alpha title to you."

I was shocked. Why would he leave me to be alpha and I am not even ready by a long shot. " What do you mean he has passed the alpha title to me mom?! I am not ready."

She began walking towards be from the sink ," I know and it is selfish of your father to this to you but I will be here to help you in any way I can honey. " She pulled me into a hug and i embraced her.

I knew my father had been cheating on my mom for a while now. It was far from a secret because the whole pack new about it. Now here I am twelve years old and alpha of the largest pack. On top of that instead of taking on the role of king when I turn twenty five I will now be king when I am twenty.

She put her hand on my shoulder and said ," Mason you are not your father. You are a kind, loving, strong man who took on more responsibility at a young age then anyone should have to. You took it in stride and look at where your at now."

I looked over at her and smiled ," Yes, with you. No place I had rather be." With my comment I saw her blush which made me smile.

  After a few hours I noticed her getting more tired and hurting more so I decided that we needed to go back to the house. When we got to town she wanted to walk the rest of the way which I protested but she insisted she was fine.

When we were almost back to the house she stopped walking all of a sudden to ask ," Mason I do have a question?" I gestured for her to continue.

She looked around for a moment I guess at the building and people around to then turn to ask ," You are the king of all werewolves right. So I thought all kings lived in a castle surrounded by guards and a moat. I guess it's more of a questioning statement." After she said that she giggled a little.

I smiled at her ,"Well my darling your being quite stereotypical. I was never one to want to live in a castle. I feel castles are too cold and gloomy for my preference. I have another house being built which we will move into soon enough."

She nodded her head to say ," Yea I guess I was. I can't wait to see the house soon. But Mason I am kind of hungry."

I laughed and nodded my head.

   After we ate some food we sat on the couch in the living room and watched TV Apparently she is the perfect girl for me because besides her beauty and brains she loves marvel movies just as I do. We have spent the past 4 hours watching movies together now and I am loving every minute of it.

She had eventually lay her head on my shoulder and fell asleep. I loved the way her being near me felt and I wouldn't trade this feeling for anything in the world.

All of a sudden Urshall mind linked me  " Alpha I have the results to the test. May I come to your house to share the results?"

 " Yes come to my house."  I replied

These results can change everything if they are bad. I leaned down to lay a feather light kiss on top of her head and prayed. God I pray for her to have the strength to handle all of this. 

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