Chapter 17

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Andy's POV

   I look around and notice it was a beautiful fall day and I was standing on the back porch of my mom and dads.

" Andy come over here and sit with me" my father says. I walk over and gave him a hug. He's just as I remember him with his grey hair and deep blue eyes.

" Hey dad. "  I say

He clears his throat and begin as to say ," Andy I want you to understand there are many things I can't tell you about myself but I want you to know I will protect you until my last breath. Maybe even after."

Confused I say ," Dad I know you will protect me. What is this all about?"

He picks up a knife and puts it on the table. It was silver with a black handle and on the blade was a triangle with a cross of arrows.

He looks me in the eyes and says in a serious tone  ," I'm going to teach you skills that has been passed down to me. It's time for you to learn my girl. You are quite special."

   I woke up to Mason holding me on the bench in the garden and couldn't help but feel so at peace in this moment. I leaned my head up kissed him on the cheek and said ," You are amazing. Do you know that?"

He turned his head with a smirk on his face ," You finally realize I'm quite a catch."

I shrugged my shoulders, " I have known for a while" I took a deep breath and looked him in the eyes," I don't know how your going to take this but I love you Mason Norwood."

He looked at me with wide eyes and before I knew it he had his lips crashed onto mine. He put his hand on the side of my face deepening the kiss and before I knew it I was gasping for air. He the moved down to my mark and sucked on it causing a moan to escape my lips.

I love this man with all my heart and I want to live my whole life with him. I want the whole nine yards with him. I pull away and look him in the eyes to say ," I'm serious Mason." 

I noticed how his eyes were going in between his hazel eyes and his wolfs yellow eyes meaning his wolf wanted out. "Mason say something please."

He grabbed my hand and pulled it to his chest. " My heart beats for you. You make me who I am. You are my sweet angel and I love you too. I have known it since I seen you for the first time that you would have my heart, "  he said passionately.

A tear slid down my cheek at his words. Nobody has told me they loved me they loved me since my parents died and I had forgotten how amazing it feels to be loved.

  We sat there for a moment before I spoke to say ," Well Mase we are only a few weeks away until I have surgery.Hopefully this will fix me so I can transition safely. Tell me Mase will it hurt?"

He shifted a little so he was angled more towards me to say ," Since we are fully mated you will transition on the next blood moon that is in two months. I didn't mean to mate you so early but my wolf was being persistent and you were being quite devilish yourself my dear." he winked at me ," Everything is on track for you to be healthy enough to go through it without any complications, It will hurt for your first shift but after that it will be your second nature. "

I took in what he has just told me trying to wrap my brain around being a werewolf.  " Do you think I will be a good werewolf?" I asked with concern.

He laughed a little and said with the upmost certainty ," You will be the most amazing werewolf there has ever been. You are already stronger than anyone I know. Plus your Luna qualities are already there."

I nodded my head and said ," Thank you for believing in me Mase. I am kind of thirsty. Can you get me a cup pf water please?"

He gave me a dazzling smile and replied ," Anything for my future queen."

With that he got up and walked towards the house.

  I sat there on the bench enjoying the sun hitting my face when Mason cleared his throat to get my attention. When I looked at him he was down on his knee in front of me. Before I could ask anything he said ," Andy  Acre I am head over heals for you. I was trying to figure out when to do this but I feel right now in this moment is the perfect time," he reached into his pocket and pulled out a black box ," I want you to be mine in every possible way. I have known this for a very long time so will you Andy Acre make me the happiest man in the world and be wife?"

I cant believe this is happening. He is actually asking me to be his wife and have me forever. How did I get so lucky.

I knelt down in front of him and said ," Mason Norwood I would be the luckiest girl in the world to be called your wife and spend the rest of my life with you. Yes I will marry you Mase!"

He smiled his dazzling million dollar smile then picked me up and spun me around.

Before Inoticed anyone around me I heard clapping and turned my head to see the council and most of the town in the garden.

I blushed and put my head in Masons chest to mumble ," Mason everyone has now seen me red as a tomato. Did you invite all these people to you propose?"

He put is mouth by my ear and whispered ," You are quite cute when you blush darling so don't worry about that. No I invited them to see how much I love you."

I looked up at him with complete love and said ," You are my forever Mase."

He repeated my words back to me ," You are my forever Andy."

I giggled and said," Now everybody will know how much of a big softy their king is."

He let out a big belly laugh and said ," They know I'm a softy for only you. That is it."

I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see Jonah behind me then to see Don behind Mason. " Cheers to our Alpha King and our future Luna Queen!" cheered Jonah.

I turned to see everyone shift into their wolf and howl towards the sky.

  After everyone left the garden Mason took me inside to the living room to relax and watch some TV. Jonah and Don said they would join us for the evening so they followed us inside. I sat on the couch and Mason went into the kitchen to get my water I asked for earlier.

Jonah sat across from me and said," Mason is right when he said he's only soft when it comes to you Andy. We have never seen him so happy until you became a part of his life. From myself I want to say thank you for being so strong to be in his and our life. I am always at your service whenever you need me."

" Jonah you don't have to thank me for loving him because is it a blessing to have such an opportunity to do so. I am the one who should be thanking everybody for being so welcoming towards me even with everything going on."  I told his honestly.

He smiled and nodded his head. I turned my head to see Mason sitting down beside me with a smile from ear to ear on his face.

I giggled a little and said ," Your smiling like a donkey eating briers."

He laughed at my analogy and said ," Well my ass is happy darling."

Everyone started laughing along with us until Annabelle walked in with a frown on her face. She walked until she was right in front of me and said with anger in her voice ," You are quite the actress Andy to fool everyone here but you wont fool me. I know your intentions Huntress!"

I was confused with what she was saying. "Wha.."

Before I could get one word out she used her powers to slam be against the wall knocking the breath out of me. 

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