Chapter 9

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Andy's POV

   I opened my eyes to an unfamiliar room and tried to pull myself up but fell back too weak to do so. I looked around and saw grey walls with black furniture and the bed I am on is a canopy style king bed. I decided to try and get up again.

I used all the strength I had to use the post of the bed to pull myself to the side. After a minute I managed to get my feet off the side of the bed. I sat there with my head leaning on the side of the post when the bed room door opened.

   Mason walked in and as soon as he saw me awake and up he ran over and got on his knees in front of me ," Andy you shouldn't be up. You are very weak and you have to rest. Are you OK?"

I looked down at his facing showing so much concern and it warmed my heart and all I could say was ," Thank you Mason."

He just looked at me for a moment before he asked ," Why are you thanking me?"

I couldn't talk much more because I felt like I was going to get sick and felt my head getting heavy. I finally forced out ," Because you stepped in my life when I needed someone. Mason I would talk more but I don't feel so good. Can you take me home please?"

Mason stood up and sat beside me on the bed to pull me so I was leaning on him. As my head rested on his shoulder I felt him take a breath in to say ," Andy it isn't safe for you to leave my house. You have a long recovery and I can best look out for you if you stay here. Plus your my mate and I want you to try living your life with me."

I waited a minute to answer him ,honestly thinking about it all , to say," OK. I will try. "

He hugged me and with happiness laces in his voice he said ," Andy thank you. Now you need to rest.  We will talk more in the morning when you get some more strength back." I nodded and he lay me down on the bed for me to drift back off to sleep.

   I woke up hearing someone talk out side the door ," I need to run tests to see if I'm wrong. I don't want the Luna to have to go through this. If I am right she's going to have to go through all proper treatment before she can go through transition or she won't pull through."

Then I heard the deep husky voice of Mason's ," I pray to God those results are wrong."  I wanted to know what was going on so I called out for Mason.

As soon as I said his name he opened the door and looked at me with a smile on his face that didn't meet his eyes.

I looked at him confused, " Who was that outside and what's going on?" He walked over to sit on the side of the bed and grabbed my hand.

While he was looking at my hand in his he asked ," Have you felt your energy level decreasing lately before all this happened."

   I thought about it for a moment before I answered, " I mean yes but I thought it was just my depression since my parents died. Why?"

He looked up with the same smile that didn't meet his eyes. I knew this smile because I used it everyday. He followed by saying ," Nothing darling. Urshall just wants to get another blood sample to run another test. Is that OK?"

I nodded my head and Urshall walked in and drew the blood.

When he was finished he walked out and Mason asked ," What would you like to do? We need to get you moving."

I thought about it for a moment and said ," I just want to go for a walk. You said this is where I will be staying from now on right?" 

He nodded his head but smiled genuinely and said ," Yes it is. I will give you the tour of our land."

I wanted to understand more about him and his pack so I can get used to my new life. I honestly welcomed this new life because the one I was living quite literally sucked.

   Once I got dressed in leggings and a t-shirt I walked down the steps with the assistance of Mason. I was still week from the encounter with Blake but I'm getting stronger.

When we reached the bottom of the stairs two muscular men walked up and greated Mason. The only difference between the two was one had brown hair and the other had black hair but slightly taller.

The black haired one was the first to speak to me ," Hello my name is Jonah and this is Don. We are here when ever you need us Luna. It's an honor to finally meet you."

I looked at them and responded ," Thank you guys. I hope the drama is at its end for a while." I noticed Mason, Jonah and Don all look like they were zoned out until Mason snapped his head to look at me and ask ," Would you like something to eat before we go on our walk?"

I shook head ," No I'm not big on breakfast, thank you though. A bottle of water is all I will need." He nodded head and walked to the kitchen to grab some water for us.

We started to walk out of the house when Don said ," Luna it was nice to meet you and I hope to see you soon." I nodded my head and followed Mason.

   As we walked around I noticed that everyone we walked past would bow their head to Mason, which he acted like he didn't notice. All he did was walk beside me with his hand behind me on my back or on my shoulders. I loved the way his touch sent sparks through me.

I turned my head to look at him ," Mason why does everyone bow their head towards you?"

He didn't even look at me but responded ," Well my darling I am their Alpha and their king. They are not just bowing to me though. You are their Luna and their future queen as well."

I took a moment but didn't press the conversation any farther. I am afraid I won't be strong enough to be a queen or Luna. Also how can I be a Luna when I am human?

I asked ," Is there a pond or something we can sit under a tree to look at?"

We stopped walking through the town and he looked at me to say ," Yes just past the town at the bottom of the hill but it is quite a walk for you to attempt today. We can go if you ride on my back."

I didn't see the problem so I agreed to ride on his back.

We walked to the edge of the trees and he told me ," Give me a minute I'm going to shift. When I come back you climb on my back but you must hold on as tight as you can. OK? 

I nodded my head. It's wasn't long until a huge grey wolf walked out from behind the trees towards me.

He stopped a couple feet from me and lay down on the ground. I took the chance to really take on his appearance.

His wolf was a beautiful metal grey color with striking yellow eyes that could freeze anyone with one look.

With me they made me want to get closer to him, so I did. I put my hand behind his ear and rubbed. He must have enjoyed it because he leaned his head into my touch more.

I mumbled to myself, " Who would have thought I would be mated to a wolf. It's quite amazing." I knew he heard what I said because he responded by wagging his tail and liking my face. I took my shirt and wiped my face off ," OK Mason that was gross."

His tail just wagged faster. I got on his back and he took off through the woods. 

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