Chapter 5

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Andy's POV

  Pain is all I feel. I feel engulfed in nothing but pain physically and mentally. My arm feels as if I stuck it in a furnace and then got shredded by a meat grinder. Mentally I just want to curl up in a ball and die.

I honestly can not remember what it felt like to not be in pain.

What was Blake? His eyes turned from their brown color to blood red when he noticed I was bleeding. He acted like I was a meal.

Then Mason saved me again from fate. His sweet voice talking to me in my sleep soothed me but soon after everything went quiet.


  I can hear the beeping of machines and the dull pain in my arm now. I listen to see if I can hear people but nothing. I feel someone holding my hand and I try to squeeze the hand. It takes all my strength but I manage to move my fingers and I feel the bed move a little.

Then I hear the most amazing voice ," Andy open your eyes for me angel, please. You can do it." I do my best but fail ; all I can do is squeeze his hand again and again.

After a few minutes a person who I assume is the doctor comes in and starts talking," Alpha I hear your getting response from Andy?"

I hear Mason then say," Yes she's squeezing my hand when I talk to her."

I hear the doctor walk to the side of my bed then he grabs my hand and says ," Andy if you can hear me squeeze my hand three times." So I do as he says and squeeze his hand three times.

He takes a deep breath ," Alpha I am afraid to say she may need some help to get her brain to come out of the coma and that will require for us to administer adrenaline in her IV." I feel the all so familiar sparks and I know it's Mason because I only feel them with him.

I wonder why the doctor is calling him alpha and why i feel these sparks when Mason touches me. 

  After what feels like hours the doctor comes back in the room and starts talking again. " Alpha this adrenaline is going to make her heart bump blood rapidly through her body forcing blood to move in her brain hopefully making her break through this coma. If it works she is going to most likely panic. "

I wait and then I start feeling like I have ran a marathon while being chased by a grizzly bear that hasn't ate in months. I feel as if I can't get air through my lungs but as I start gasping for air I feel a mask over my face.

Then I hear that voice that is the light in a dark room ," Andy open yours eyes, please. I can help you." With those words I use all my strength to force my eyes open.

  What I see is so overwhelming that I can't breath even with the oxygen mask on. All these people are around me like I'm some sort of celebrity.

I squeeze my eyes shut and then I hear Mason use a tone I have never heard him use before ," Everyone out now except for Urshall." I hear them hurry out of the room like their life depends on it.

I open my eyes again and see Mason standing beside me looking on me with worry. I have the need to sit up but Mason carefully held my hand and put the other on my shoulder. He looks me in my eyes with his amazing hazel eyes that have more gold in them today than I can remember. Looking into his eyes makes my heart flutter like a humming birds wings.

He smiles at me ," Andy look at me and breath,OK. Everything is going to be OK. I'm not going to ever leave you. Your stuck with me." I nodded trying to take steady breaths never looking away from him.

When I thought I could speak I lifted my hand to grab the mask of my face and took in a breath ," Mason, why are you being so nice to me?"

He looked at me with a million emotions written across his face and said ," Andy we have a lot to talk about."

  I was confused but nodded. My throat was dry so Mason held a cup of water for me to sip on while he explained. 

He cleared his throat and spoke," Well Andy do you remember when I told you that we had a connection? I was telling the truth but it's more than just a connection it's more we are fated." He paused for a moment but then asked," Do you remember why your in the hospital?"

I thought for a minute and looked down at my completely wrapped arm. " I remember a guy coming in to my class that I never seen before and him saying human emotions about loss show weakness. So, I got upset and left. That's when you saw me and we talked, then I left to go use the restroom." I stopped and looked at him but he looked at me confused.

He then said after a minute," Is that all you remember Andy? Think hard OK." He them pulled my hand up to his mouth and kissed it. An eruption of sparks flew through my body.

I lay my head back and took in a deep breath. " I remember walking out of the restroom to come back to you. Um. . . Then a guy grabbed me." Then like a light switch I remembered the face.

I gasped and put my hands over my mouth and looked at Mason and stuttered out ," Blake, his eyes they were red. Like a demon! He he did this to me! " I start to panic realizing what happened and then I look at Mason with wide eyes, " What is he? He's not human."

I tried to scoot away in fear ," What are you because I remember you running to me. Do you want to kill me?"

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