Chapter 2

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Mason's POV:

I sit in my office swirling scotch in my glass and contemplating on my next move with rouges. I try to drown out the need for my mate more and more everyday. I found her 3 years ago but I also found out she is human and with my many foes it is just not safe for her in our world right now.

As King of werewolves she is future queen. I need to ensure her safety before I build a relationship with her.

Just her name sends goosebumps down my neck and the her beauty is captivating. She is light in this dark world for me. I am the beast and she is the angel.

Her safety means everything to me. In frustration I slam my glass down and mind link my beta.  " Jonah come to my office now " he replies instantly "Yes alpha.". 

  A few minutes later Jonah walks into my office. " Alpha what can I do for you ? "

I raised my eyebrows in question ," I shouldn't have to ask for reports on the pack lands boarder after a rouge has been sighted."

Jonah bows his head ," I apologize alpha. There has not been any more signs of rouges getting near the boarder but we have caught word that they are planning an attack on the human lands. We can't figure out where in particular." He clears his throat ," Also as you already know the vampires are in and out of town regularly now as well."

I feel my wolf bubble to the surface begging to come out and go to our mate. I can feel myself shaking but I manage to get out of my clenched teeth " You and Don are the only ones to know of my mate still, correct? "

John replies with a swift nod so I push myself away from my desk. Then briskly walk out of my office and shift into my large grey wolf.

  Running through the forest I let my mind wonder. My intention was not  for her to see me earlier today but over the past three years I have been watching over her. Everyday it gets harder and harder to stay away from her so I was bound to slip up.

I get shocks through my body thinking about her silky blonde hair that I want to run my fingers through all day long and her captivating green eyes that remind me of the comfort the forest brings.

I lost track of my self watching her and did not notice she had saw me. For the first time we spoke and my wolf was beyond happy to hear her voice talking to him for the first time and so was I.

Her voice sounded like a thousand angles singing in unison. Also her humor was refreshing because nobody is comfortable enough to talk to me as I was just any other person. A human can not sense my power and rank which is why she talked to me and joked with me.

I only realized my wolf had brought me back to campus when I saw all the students walking to class. Shifting back into my human form I slipped on some clothes I had brought with me and stood in the tree line waiting for Andy to walk by.

  I watched as she walked into the building for biology and chemistry, so I decided to walk on the other side of the pond to wait for her to come out of class. The pond has lily pads along the bank which were gently waving along with the motion of the water.

I sat down next to the water to take in all the sounds and smells. Being a werewolf I am in touch with nature and it calms me and my wolf down more so than just a regular human. We feel at peace which I do not get too often.

I had just closed my eyes until my favorite smell of roses wafted under my nose making my eyes shoot open.

  No this can't be right she is in class is what I thought to myself but there she was sitting by the pond under a willow tree. The sun shinning on her through the tree like she was an angel sent from heaven.

I noticed how she lay a blanket out and just observing the water and the ducks that swam happily. I then heard her quiet sobs and I could not stop myself from going over there any longer. 'Angels don't need to cry and my angel won't be crying long because I'm going to find out what is wrong ' I say to myself.

  On my way over I noticed the stench of a vampire lingering around which made me stop and look around. Annoyed I find Blake standing in the shadows of the building watching my mate with lust and hunger in his eyes. I will be damned if I was going to let him get near my angel.

I walked over and with annoyance laced in my voice asked ,"  What are you doing here Blake? And don't say to quench your thirst because you know the laws state you can't feed on humans in or near public that could risk exposure."

He looked at me with his sick blood red eyes and smirked ,"Who said I was looking to feed? I have taken an interest in humans especially one human who I have grown quite a liking to." He said this switching his attention to Andy as she had just rolled over on her back.

I clenched my jaw fighting my wolf back but I couldn't hold back any longer. I grabbed his throat with my claws digging in to his cold dead skin and pushed him into the corner of the building. " Stay away from her! I order you to stay away! I will not tolerate such behavior from you towards her! If you don't have a death wish you will not even look her way leech!"

With that I let go and go to my mate. Now the cat is out of the bag or in my case the dog. I now need to come up with a plan to tell her everything and to protect her. I need to know why Blake all of a sudden wanted her.

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