Chapter 24

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Mason's POV

My best worriers and myself leave our territory and run towards Blake's palace. The vampire prince has grown a set of balls that is now going to get cut off and shoved down his neck for touching Andy.

As the wind whips through my grey fur I let out a howl that pierces through the night air. I move my paws faster than ever putting more distance between me and my worriers who follow quickly behind me. We are prepared to do whatever we need to do to get her back and I will slaughter anyone who gets in my way.

We approach the palace fast and I already know he will have it guarded. I tell my guards to lay low  but I have Jonah and Don come with me.

I quickly shift into my human form and run towards the clearing. Once we reach the palace gates we are surrounded my vampire guards ready to attack. Before they moved any closer my lips thinned in irritation and I said ," I am Mason Norwoon king of all werewolves. Your prince has broken many laws and the most recent is kidnapping of the werewolf queen. I have every reason to wage war. So help me I will but I will give one chance for a peaceful out come. Tell your prince he is on the verge of war and the council knowing of his crimes if he does not open these gates NOW!"

All the guards looked at each other with questioning looks but they stepped aside and opened the gates. With out hesitation I ran towards Andy's scent. I ran through the huge double doors and up the white grand stair case only to hear Andy cry out in pain. I ran towards her but I was met with a swarm of guards whom quickly wrapped silver chains around myself , Jonah and Don.

I was dragged towards the end of the hall and closer to Andy's scent. Once we went through the doors the sight before me both enraged me and broke my heart. Andy was chained to a chair with a bag over her head and going through her transition. She was pail and gasping for air in between waves of pain.

I turn to see the sorry bastard standing by Andy just looking at her. " What the hell are you doing?! She is transitioning and you have her in silver chains! Your going to kill her." I boomed.

I continue to yell , " She has had cancer and her body is already weak from months of fighting and now you are doing this! I will kill you if she does not make it asshole."

" I am insuring my safety during her transition. That is all." Blake says without even looking my way.

I was dumbfounded by his ignorance of the whole situation. " She just had surgery to have her cancer taken out and she is still weak you idiot! She needs the optimal situations to pull through this and what your doing is promising her death before she even gets a quarter of the way through. She needs my touch dumb ass we are mates!"

He looks at me with no emotion on his face and then looks at her and analyzes everything. After a few moments he waves his hands to have the guards let me go. I still had the silver chains around my hands but I ran towards Andy and put my hand on her shoulder feeling her relax slightly under my touch.

Blake snatched the bag off her head and she realized it was me with her. Her sweet voice spoke with so much love when she said ," You saved me Mase." I gave her a slight smile but it was far from the truth.

She tried to move her hands but the chains held them firmly in place and as if on que another round of pain racked her body. Through clenched teeth she said ," Mase the chains are burning. Take them off. " I could only look at her with sad eyes because at the m0omnet I could not do what she wanted me to do.

" We can not do that dear. Your are going through transition and we can not trust your wolf." Blake says behind me. Stupid bastard I say in my mind.

Andy struggles even harder to get he chains off before she screams with anger ," Get these chains off!" Another round of pain goes through her making her bones break and reform.

She lets out blood piercing screams and each followed by more bones breaking.

She screamed one more time before chain links flew all over the room. She had broken the silver chains. It takes all the energy I have to break silver chains and I am the strongest werewolf there is.

Andy stands up and I could feel the power she was emitting from her body. She rolled her shoulders and then popped her head side to side cracking her neck. She was pissed and I could feel she want in complete control; It was her wolf.

In a flash Blake exited the room and came back in. In the blink of an eye he stabbed Andy in the back with a silver knife causing her to let out a gasp of pain and fall to the floor.

I was loosing it now. I was shaking uncontrollably about to shift until Andy reached out and grabbed my arm pleadingly. All this is my fault. I mind link one of my pack warriors ," Send Annabelle quickly." I shut it down before I get a reply.

I hold Andy's hand as she struggles to breath through all the pain," Breath Darling. I love you."

Another wave of pain racks her body but this time her bones completely transform and hair bursts through her skin. Where I was holding her hand a moment ago I am now holding her paw.

She is the most beautiful creature I have ever seen in my life. She has snow white fur that is literally glowing. As she opens her eyes she looks at her paw and realizes that she pulled through the transition.

She pulls her legs under her so she can stand. As she stands I notice she is fairly big for a she wolf but it is to be expected with her being the Queen as well as a she wolf with huntress blood. She takes a step and shakes out her fur. She falters and I hear her heart beat irregularly before she collapses.

I scoop her up in my arms knowing everything has taken a toll on her bod. I lay her down just as Annabelle runs through the doors. Before she could get to my side Balkes guards had her hands restrained.

" Blake tell them to let her go! Can you not hear her heart is on the verge of stopping.She will die with out her help. " I yell at him.

He says in just a whisper mainly for himself ," I can not believe I did this to her. To my own mate." With out another word he gestures for them to let Annabelle go and rushes to the other side of her.

" I never intended for this to happen.I have waited many decades for her and the concept of love is foreign to me." Blake says truthfully.

I roll my eyes and gesture towards Andy ," Look at what your version of love has done to her."

He grabs her hand and says ," I know how to save her life and you wont like it." he takes a breath to finish his his statement," Have your witch link her life with mine. As long as I am alive she will be. She wont need to be linked to you because if something does happen to you the king and queen of werewolves will both be dead."

As soon as he says that I know he is right and it would be the best decision. In that moment her heart stops and my mind freezes " Annabelle save her now."

She chants a spell and waves her hands over Andy for several minutes before she grabs Blakes hand and slices it with a knife. She then grabs Andy's hand and slices hers. " Hold her hand so your blood will mix with hers." She tells Blake. " You can let go now. Now we have to wait. Alpha I suggest we take her back to your house but he will have to come."

Great now I am going to have a leach in my house. I shake my head and scoop up my lifeless mate. My wolf whimpers in pain at the sight of her so pale. I pray this works.

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