Chapter 7

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Andy's POV

  "Hello my Andy girl. How did you sleep?" I turned around and was looking at my mom sitting at the dining room table.

" Mamma? Is that you?" I asked confused

She got up and walked towards me ," Why yes it's me. Who else would it be. Now don't forget to do your chores before you leave for school. The animals won't feed themselves."

With that she turned to walk into the kitchen. I couldn't move I was so stunned. I have never had a dream like this before. I looked around and it was indeed my childhood home I grew up in.

I was snapped out of my daze when I heard a bunch of crashing in the kitchen, so I ran. I entered the kitchen to see my mom on the floor with a knife in her hand and blood running all over the floor.

  I started screaming ,"Mamma, no no!! How could you!" I sat up to find Mason running into the room looking around to see what was wrong.

He met my fraught filled eyes and asked ," Andy what's wrong? Why are you crying?" I didn't even realize I was crying. I was so confused as to why I was having such detailed dreams about my parents. It brought all my sadness back to the surface.

" I had a very bad dream about my parents. Well my mom to be exact." I croaked out.

He walked closer saying ," Andy I can call them for you if you would like."

That one sentence made me loose it and I started to sob into my hands. I felt him rub my back trying to soothe me but it didn't work.

He took in a breath," Andy tell me what's the matter." I finally got control of my sobs and managed to ask ," What is today's date?"

He looked down at me confused but answered, " June 18th. Why?"

That's why I'm feeling this overwhelming sadness compared to any other day.

I looked at him and said ," I'm ready to leave this place. I need to go by the gift shop and take someone something before I go home."

He looked like he wasn't even paying attention but responded ," Anything you want. Urshall said you can be discharged today if I make sure you take it easy and you can't use your left arm for a few weeks due to the stitches and staples." I nodded in agreement. 

  A few hours later after they unhooked me from all the machines and gave me instructions to follow for at home care we left the room. I walked into the gift shop and picked up a dozen red roses and a dozen purple roses.

After I payed Mason picked up the roses for me and asked ," Which room are we going to?"

I looked at him and simply said ," We aren't going to a room. Do you know where Old Hickory Cemetery is at? " He looked at me and nodded. I told him where to go when we got there and as we pulled up it was as hard as the day I had to say goodbye.

I looked out the window not looking at Mason and said ," You can stay in the car if you want it's up to you. I'm going to be a while." He didn't say a word instead he walked around to the passenger side of his car and opened the door for me.

I said thank you no louder than a whisper and began walking toward the old oak tree that sat in the middle of the cemetery. When I got to the two stones I fell to my knees and hung my head in sadness. I places the red roses on my dad's stone and the purple ones on my mom's. I felt it start to rain but I didn't care and to be honest it felt fitting for it to be gloomy on this day just as I felt.

  I forgot Mason was with me until I felt his hand in my shoulder ," We should get you in the car so you don't get sick."

I shook my head ," I'm not ready yet. I'm going to stay longer. It's how I have spent my last three birthdays, it's OK. "

He crouched down so he could look me in the eyes to say, " Why don't we get in the car and wait for the rain to stop. Then we can come back and sit as long as you like. If you want I can be a great listener."

I looked up at him with his hair falling over his face soaking wet and I know I didn't look any better so I agreed to sit in the car. When we got in the car we sat in silence for a while as I look out at my mom and dad's stones.

I remember it like it was yesterday. " We are gathered here today to lay to rest Ronald and Judy Acre. They were the two kindest souls anyone can meet and would help anyone that need it." The preacher said.

I look up towards the sky so see storm clouds gathering around making the atmosphere all the more depressing.

As my black lace dress blew in the wind I reminded I was standing my the preacher when I heard him say ," They leave a beautiful daughter behind to carry on their legacy." He turned towards me ," Andy would you like to say a few words about your parents?"

I nodes my head and step forward towards the podium ," My mom and dad have loved here for over 20 years. Most of the town knew them and knew how kind they were. Behind closed doors my dad always joked around and tried to lighten any situation. My mother she was always serious but nurturing. I will always have my memories of them even though I wished this day did not come so soon."

I wanted to talk about my parents death for a while with someone but never have gotten close enough to anyone to get on that personal level with them. Maybe Mason can be my person I can open up to.

I cleared my throat and asked ," So are you sure you want to know?" I turned my head to meet his amazing hazel eyes staring at me. He put his hand on mine and said ," Of course I do."

  I nodded ," Well I guess to start off with I was born on June 18th, 1996 so today was my birthday until 3 years ago. My dad was diagnosed with stage four kidney cancer earlier in the year but it had spread through his body. He fought it for 6 months and always said he was going to make it to my birthday to celebrate ,one last time, his greatest accomplishment. He made it to the morning of my birthday but couldn't fight no more. He died holding my hand telling me he loved me. All the while my mom was there in the room too. Later in the day the hospital told me and my mom to go home for a while and rest, so we did. I was in the living room just looking at my dad's chair waiting on him to walk in and sit down for it to never happen. I was zoned out when I snapped my attention to a loud noise in the kitchen. I got up and walked in to the kitchen to find my mom laying on the floor with a knife in her hand and blood flowing out of her body. So in one day , on the day I turned 19 ,I lost both my parents and my life changed forever. Instead of it being my birthday and happiest day for me its the anniversary of my parents death and the saddest day."

I took a breath and felt a tear run down my cheek. This was the first time I have talked about the worst day of my life.

  He grabbed my hand and looked at me with sadness in his eyes ," Andy I'm so sorry you have had to go through this, especially alone. I wish I would have built our relationship sooner than now so I could have been there for you."

I looked at him confused ," What do you mean sooner? The first time you saw me was in the stacks, right?"

He removed his hand and looked down toward his lap and said, " No actually I have known you are my mate for 3 years now. I didn't want to bring you into my world because it will put you in danger. I just didn't realize how sad and depressed you have been or I would have stepped in sooner than now."

I was speechless from what he said. I can not believe he has known all this time and has not even tried to talk to me. What else has he not told me?

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