Part 21: Two weirdos

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I don't think excited describes how i'm feeling today. This is it! I'm finally feeling so lucky!

I have never thought boys matter. In fact, I used to think being in a relationship is so silly because who needs more troubles in their lives? It's just a waste of time and I don't need a boyfriend to be happy, to be popular.

I won't find my worth in a boy, I find it within myself. I will never kill myself over a boy, because I know he'll bring another girl to my funeral.

I don't trust them, I don't want them.

But after I met Martinus, everything in my life has changed. And what's more important is that it became better.

When I first met him, I honestly didn't know he was going to be this important in my life.

He was so good to me, he defended me when his brother started insulting me, so eventually, I found myself falling for him.

I just hope he feels the same way.

Marcus told me to meet him in studio A at 11 o'clock, because that's when Martinus will be practising in Studio B. And because I was so excited, I went there at 10 o'clock and waited for him.

I was on my phone when I heard a knock on the door.

I thought it was Marcus, but unexpectedly, it was Martinus.

I knew right away that he will ask me what i'm doing here, and I'm a terrible liar.

I can't tell him why I am in studio A so early. That would be extremely embarrassing.

So to avoid any questions coming out from him, I started talking:

"So Martinus, hey, what are you doing here?"

Martinus:" Well, I own this place."

Well done Maria. You got this.

Maria:" That's not what I meant. I mean, Marcus told me that you practise in Studio B at 11 o'clock. And in case you didn't notice, this is Studio A."

I knew I was kind of messing things up, but I just didn't know what to do.

Martinus:" Well, it's not 11 o'clock yet... what are you doing here? I mean we gave you a much better place to write your songs there. You didn't like it?"

Maria:" uhm no... I mean yes... I mean..."

I knew that I was going to be exposed. I didn't even know what to say.

I guess I have no other choice but to tell him.

Maria:" Look Martinus, the truth is, I..."

Marcus:" Hi guys."

I turned and saw Marcus standing right in front of us.

What a relief! I have never been so happy to see Marcus.

I mouthed a "S.O.S" so Marcus knew right away that I need his help or else i'm done.

Marcus:" Martinus, we have been searching for you everywhere."

Martinus:" Well, where else I could be? You know that i'm either here or..."

Marcus:" Do I? Anyways dad really needs to see you, and you should start practising, lazy tintin. Bye now!"

And Marcus directly pushed Martinus out of the room and locked the door.

Well he handled it well.

Not really.

Marcus: " So let's get to work."

Although what just happened was totally a mess, I have to admit it was kind of funny so I couldn't help myself. I started laughing really hard.

Maria:" Nice work, "Brain"!"

Marcus:" Don't start teasing me at least I didn't need a help from anybody!"

We both giggled then directly started practising. Marcus was such an amazing teacher and Slow dance was way easier than I expected. I maybe stepped on his foot several times, but he was fine with it.

I think I got this. Tonight will be amazing.

Martinus' pov/

Weird! So weird! Why do I feel like Maria and Marcus are up to something?

I went to see my dad and when I asked him why he called me, he seemed pretty confused. It turns out he didn't want to see me. That means Marcus is lying, just like I expected.

I need to know what's going on.

The door of Studio A was locked, but silly them! They didn't know that I have a key!

I slowly opened the door, then hid behind a closet.

What were they doing?

That can't be happening!

Are they in love?

My biggest nightmare became true.

Started with a cookie... Marcus and MartinusWhere stories live. Discover now