Part 23: I ruined it

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Maria's pov/

Time betrayed me. I thought I finally found happiness, but why does it keep running away from me? If I left one minute ago, I wouldn't face her. But I guess things had to end this way.

I know she will never leave me alone.

Lola:" Nice dress, is your grandma missing her curtains? And who made your makeup? Oh wait, let me guess! Your prince charming didn't show up, that's why you're out here alone. Poor girl! But I'm not surprised though!

And now you have to go back home alone, and it's pitch black outside. Be careful, I heard zombies eat brain. Oh wait, you'll be safe after all!"

The way she giggles, the way she teases me... I just want to punch her in the face. But I can't do it.

Is it because i'm weak and i'm feeling paralyzed? Or is it because I don't want to be like her?

I left the restaurant in tears. I could hear her insulting me one more time, but I just ran away.

I am tired of trying to hold things together that cannot be held, trying to control what cannot be controlled.

And it's all Martinus' fault.

Why did I convince myself that he could possibly like me? Why?

Why did he ruin everything?

I feel like i'm waiting for something that will never happen.

I returned home and cried in my pillow. Then I looked at the sky with an effort to stop the tears from falling down my cheeks.

It's amazing how someone can break your heart, but you still love them with all the little pieces.

Suddenly my phone rang. It was Martinus so I just ignored him like he ignored me tonight.

How could you Martinus? How could you?

Martinus' pov/

I went to the restaurant where we were supposed to meet, hoping that I can fix everything and find her, but I didn't! It was too late!

She was gone!

I called her, but she didn't answer!

It's over! I ruined everything!

"Don't wait for her! She left! And here's an advice, find yourself another girl, because you surely deserve better than her."

I turned and saw a familiar face. At first I didn't recognize her, but then I remembered her so well. She was the girl who insulted Maria at the coffee shop yesterday. She must have hurt her today too.

Oh Martinus, what did you do?

I promised her that I will protect her, but now what?

I didn't mean to hurt her, but what's done is done.

And now, nothing will stay the same.

I'm sure she never wants to see me again. I'm sure she saw that I called her, but she refused to pick it up.

I really want to go to her house and ask her if she can forgive me, if we can start new. I want to tell her that I have feelings for her, but she's angry now, and she won't accept my apology.

In fact I am angry too, angry of myself, of what happened... so if I faced her tonight, I'll ruin everything... though it's already destroyed.

When I returned home, Marcus directly knew, by the look on my face, that the scars on Maria's heart will take forever to heal.

The next day, I went to Maria's house. I waited for so long, but no one opened the door. Did she leave the house? Is she in the studio right now? Just when I lost hope and decided to leave, a girl, that kind of looked like Maria, opened the door.

I guess she is Piper.

Martinus-:" Good morning, I assume you're Piper, the one who's supposed to be in college?"

Piper-:" Yes I am, and no I still didn't graduate from school."

Note for yourself, Maria isn't a terrible actress after all.

Piper-:" You must be one of the twins Maria's working with. She is upstairs in her room, first door to the right. Come on in."

I thanked her, then I went upstairs to her room.

When I knocked on her door, she said, with a wavering voice: "Piper I don't want to eat. "

She must have been crying, all night long!

I don't blame her though, I know what I did was bad, and it's all my fault that she got hate again. I broke my promise, and she deserves an apology.

I slowly opened her door, and entered her room.

"It's me , not Piper!"

By the look on her face, I knew that fixing this situation will be way harder than I expected.

I just hope she'll listen to her heart and forgive me, because that's what I did, and it was beating her name...

Started with a cookie... Marcus and MartinusWhere stories live. Discover now