Echoes Of Silence

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"I can't wait to be an aunty!"


I was laying on the exam table waiting for the ultrasound technician to come still in shock. I didn't really soak in what the doctor told me, I was pregnant and I didn't know what I was going to do.

"Ms. Arias? Hi my name is Josh and I'll be conducting your exam. So let's get started and see how far along your baby is"

Just the sound of him saying baby sent goosebumps down my spine.

He had me lift my top and placed a paper towel below where my jeans closed.

"This is going to be a little cold, but it helps us to see your baby"

He squeezed a bottle with clear gel on my stomach and started swerving around my stomach.

"Here's your placenta, and here's your little bean. See that thumping? That's the heartbeat, let me turn the volume up so you can hear it"

I heard noises like as if I was underwater with a thumping of my baby's heartbeat.

Tears started to fall.

"Is everything looking okay?"

"Perfectly fine, I would say you're about twelve to thirteen weeks pregnant. I'm going to print these for your keeping"

"Thank you"

I could hear Amina squeal in her seat as the technician left.

"Wasn't it beautiful Amina?"

"I'm so excited for you My, I'm glad I'm here to experience this with you"

She came and hugged me while I cleaned my stomach.

"I really need to think of what I'm going to do now"

"Don't worry about that right now My, concentrate on getting better and once you're better you can figure everything out"

"Thanks for being here with me Amina, I appreciate everything"


I had to stay the night at the hospital because of my dehydration, since I couldn't sleep much I thought about if I should tell Abel. He was living his life, busy doing shows, making music and I didn't want to distract him from that. I was going to keep this to myself for now.

~3 Months later~


It's been about 6 months since I've seen or talked to Simaya and there's not a day I don't think of her. She even blocked me from Instagram and Twitter so I guessed she really wanted me out of her life. I know that I fucked up by treating her like the other girls I was with but I admit I can't be with just one girl. It was for the best that she kept away from me. But I wanted to see her and make sure she was doing okay.

I was back in Toronto doing some shows and thought I would stop by at the club to see her. I came alone to this familiar place to see it was still the same.

"Why hello Mr. Tesfaye, it's been so long. How are you tonight?"

"I'm good thanks Adam, I just came to see Maya"

"Oh, well she doesn't work here anymore"


"Sorry, but she stopped working here months ago"


Was she really trying to escape me? I had to see her.

It was 2am and I was so high off Percocets I didn't give a fuck if she thought I was crazy for showing up at her door.

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