Same Old Song

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I woke up feeling fluttering of kicks in my belly. Pulling my blanket up toward my face when I turned to my other side to get more comfortable when I heard light snores, I was surprised to see Abel asleep. He stayed here all night.

Reaching toward him I kissed his cheek and got up from bed, trying to be as quiet as possible I showered and got ready while he slept.

It was almost 3pm and Abel was still sleeping, he must have been really tired. I chilled in my living room watching some Netflix while he rested.


I woke up forgetting where I was. I sat up and saw the ultrasound pictures and remembered I was at Maya's. I checked my dying phone and it was 5pm, I slept almost the whole day and my phone was flooded with messages and calls from Valerie. I turned off my phone and walked to find Maya, she was sitting on her sofa doing homework. Her hair was in a ponytail and she was wearing glasses, I never seen her like this.


She jumped, I must have startled her.

"You're awake, I can have my bed back finally"

She said jokingly.

"Your bed is amazing, I haven't slept like that in a long time. But I should go so you can study"

"You don't have to go right away, give yourself some time to wake up"

"I just want to shower"

"Go ahead I'll get you some towels"

"Thanks Maya"

I followed her upstairs to her bedroom bathroom where she got me some towels and left me to shower. It's been a while since I've used her shower, she still had my men's body wash she bought me when we were together for those two months. Cleaning myself up I saw she had some of my old clothes that I left at her place on her bed. I got dressed and walked down stairs to see a guy in the living with her. She hugged him and handed him some papers.

"Thanks again Sean, you're a life saver!"

"Anything for you My"

"I already emailed Prof. Scott why I wasn't going to class and told her you will turn in my report"

I walked into the living room interrupting them.

"I'm gonna get going Maya"

By this time Maya saw me walk toward them.

"Thanks again Sean. Abel this is Sean a friend from school"

Friend...yeah of course. I nodded upward as if to say what's up.

"Well I'm leaving, My see you in class next week"

"Bye Sean"

And of course she hugged him again and closed the door.

"Do you feel better baby?

"Yeah I'm good, why did your 'friend' stop by?"

"He's in a class of mine, I have a doctors appointment to do some tests so I asked if he can turn a report that's due that same day. Why what's wrong?"

"I can't ask? Just seems weird that he will go out of his way to do you that favor without anything in return"

"What are you insinuating Abel?"

"I think it's clear what I'm trying to say"

I could see her eyebrows furrowed together, she's about to chew my ass out.

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