Lonely Star

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It was near 4 in the morning when I woke up hearing someone stumbling outside my bedroom, It had to be Abel. I got out of bed and opened the door to see him sitting at the top of my stairs.

"Baby what are you doing?"

I helped pick him up when the aroma of his cologne and liqour hit my nose. I never seen him this messed up, it scared me. With his arm around my shoulders I got him to my room and laid him on my bed.

"Baby, what did you take?"

"I promised you I'll be back"

"I'm happy you did...but what did you take? you're burning up and sweating like crazy"

"I'm good girl, I'll sleep it off"

"You took a molly right?"


"Abel stop fucking playing, you're burning up. So tell me now and get your ass in the shower"

I helped undress him and took him to the restroom. I ran the cool water and helped him in the tub.

The water fell down his face as I stood there making sure he didn't fall over.

"I'll be fine baby, I just got too faded"

"Abel I know you hate when I tell you this, but you gotta chill on taking that stuff"

He stood there quiet while the water hit his body.

"I'm trying Maya, I've been doing this shit for too long to just quit"

"I know... It just scares me. It could kill you"

"Don't worry about that, I'm not going anywhere"


The cold showered cooled me down and sobered me up. Getting out I dried myself and got dressed in a tee and some sweats. Maya was in bed already and I knew when I walked in there she was going to give me shit for tonight. It scared her seeing me like this but it wasn't anything new to me. This is what my life was about.

I climbed in bed and hugged her from behind.

"Are you mad?"

"It's just scary. What if you were alone and your body overheated? Do you ever think of that?"

I knew she had all the right to be upset, she loved me and didn't want anything to happen to me.

"I know baby, I'm sorry. And I don't think of that, the high is what I think of"

The euphoria of being that high had me hooked.

"Abel just be careful, and just try and chill with that stuff baby especially when you're on tour... Please"

She never pleaded with me and I knew I couldn't be around her when I was doing these types of drugs.

"I'll be fine baby girl"


For the last couple of weeks until I left I was careful not to get too fucked up around Maya. I promised her while I was over seas I would chill on it. I convinced her to come with me a month into the tour.

~1 Month Later~

Europe has been so fucken crazy since I got here. Today the crew and I were going to the airport to pick up Maya, my mother and my daughter. Before getting here I convinced her to come and my mama couldn't be without her grandbaby so she came also.

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