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I woke up with Maya in my arms, I missed this. We had a good time last night and it was time to get up and get ready for another show. I kissed her shoulders making my way up to her neck slowly waking her.

"Mmmm...Baby let me sleep for five more minutes... Please"

I knew we only got a few hours of sleep but I had to get ready for tonight's show. I texted my mom to see how Isabella was and to let her know where to bring her so we can have breakfast.

"I know you're tired baby, but I want us to have breakfast before I get ready for tonight's show"

Maya went hard last night, I never seen her smoke so much before and I knew it had to do with her talking about her painful memories. I knew she had things fucked up with her life and knew there was more she didn't want to say.

"Alright babe, is your mama coming with Bella? I miss her"

She pecked my cheek and sat up.

"I called her and she's waiting for us to get breakfast. After, you ladies can explore London"

While searching for her clothes in just a tank top and boy shorts I had a good view of her ass. Not noticing I was admiring her asset she kept looking for today's outfit.

"You heard me baby?"

She quickly turned around to face me to see I wasn't listening.

"Huh? Sorry I was just mesmerized"

"Mesmerized? " she looked confused.

"Yeah, that ass of yours distracted me. You better put some pants on while you're talking to me"

I could see her smile and shake her head as I walked toward her. Placing my hands on her hips I brought her close to and started kissing along her jawline.

"Oww.. That's my spot...Baby stop! we gotta get ready. Your mama is going to be waiting"

I had to stop in my tracks knowing she was right.

By the time my mama came with Bella we were ready to go. It was cold out so we decided on eating at the hotels restaurant. The restaurant put us in a private area away from the windows so paparazzi and fans couldn't see us. I sat at the table just looking at my boys and what now was my family surrounding me. My daughter in a high chair playing with her sippy cup and my boys having a conversation with my girl and mother. I never knew this was the life I would have.


After breakfast we went back upstairs to our suite to relax before Abel goes to the venue he will be performing at. I laid Bella down for her nap before we explored the city. I laid beside her knowing she had to feel me near in order to take her nap. Abel was on his phone when mine started to vibrate from the nightstand. I slowly got up to reach for it when I saw it was Estelle. I could feel my heart wanting to jump out of my chest. I saw my grandmother before I left and she was the same, she didn't remember me.


"Maya... Honey I know you're away but your grandma had an accident"

"What do you mean? Is she okay?"

"It happened before dawn, she left the apartment dazed and confused searching for you. And- she was struck by a car. I'm sorry- we are at the hospital and I called you as soon as I could"

I could her her sniffle as she tried to maintain calm.

Tears started falling from my face when Abel looked up from his phone to see me.

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