Twenty Eight

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~2 Months Later~


Today is Valentines day and Amina planned a early birthday dinner for me. My birthday is on February 20 but since Amina is leaving with Cash to Europe because Abel had some shows out there she wanted to have a dinner for me.

Being two months since I last spoke to Abel I really missed him. I've been on a few more dates with Sean but I didn't feel a connection, he understood that we were never going to be more than friends.

Tonight Sean was my date and wanted to take me to the restaurant Amina reserved. I wore a nice but sexy black bodycon dress with laced long sleeves, and this time I brought a coat to keep me warm.

Sean pulled into this unfamiliar building that had no sign. Getting out of his car I was hesitant to walk into the buildings second floor. It was dark and nobody was here.


The lights turned on and saw people that I knew from work and school, I was shocked. Everyone came to greet me and wish me a early happy birthday. Finally Amina walked toward me hugging me.

"Mina! How.. When... did you do this?"

"It was hard sneaking around you but I wanted to do something special so I rented out the club VIP section for you"

 Looking downstairs to see the wave of people dancing in the club.

"This place is crazy, I didn't even think it was vacant it looked so empty"

"That's why I picked it out, parking is down in the basement and it was perfect for your surprise party"

"Thank you Mina! I love you!"

"I needed to make up for not being here on your real birthday, and I wanted you to have fun on Valentines day"

"Don't worry about me, you should of kept it low key and spent your night with Cash"

"He's coming in a bit"

"Good! I don't want you worrying about me tonight, spend it with him. I'm going to enjoy my 22nd birthday. So let's start off with some shots!"

"You don't got to ask me twice! Bottle service should be coming"

As we waited for bottle service I decided to roll up some blunts to get my night started. Sean was around flirting with girls and Amina was greeting our friends leaving me to concentrate on this medical.

"Looks like you know what you're doing"

I looked up in shock as I saw my good friend Laura. Before she moved to California after her mother died she went to grade school and college with Amina and I. We were so close and because of school and work didn't talk as much.

"Laura! I thought you were in California! I'm so happy you're here!"

"Happy early birthday my sexy Puerto Rican white girl!! Amina called me and you know my ass wasn't missing this for the world"

Laura was French and Ethiopian, born and raised in Toronto. When I first moved here Amina and her took me under their wings and became my friends.

"I've missed you so much Laura, come back and stay in Toronto!"

"I miss you too! You need to visit and stay with me in California for a bit and you will see how you wouldn't miss Toronto"

"Toronto is cold but it's home, so you ready to spark this blunt like old times?"

"Hell yeah, I got some pills for later"

"Damn your like drug dealer status"

I laughed because she was such a good girl that never did drugs until Amina and I gave her a taste of her first blunt.

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