The Birds

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It's been a couple of weeks and things were back to the way they use to be with Maya, I would come through and get what we wanted from each other with no commitment. I didn't know how long this would last considering how she loves me but she never brings up the love issue anymore.

Leaving the studio I would often head to her place but tonight was different, since I broke things off with Valerie she started blowing up my phone with calls and texts acting crazy and demanding to see me. Her addiction became a problem and often depended on me for her drugs.

Opening Valerie's door I caught her in the middle of doing a line. Her apartment was messy as if she hasn't cleaned in weeks, I couldn't help but feel guilty for her getting hooked on these drugs since I introduced them to her.

"Is this why you urgently needed to see me? You ran out of blow?"

She staggered towards me.

"Baby I missed you and I want you right now"

"I'm not in the mood Val and I told you it's over between us"

"You're never in the mood with me Abel but if it was your side bitch you would jump at the opportunity"

"You don't know what your saying Val"

"Abel I know about your stripper girlfriend, I followed you after the studio one night and I followed her one day too"

"You better stay away from her Valerie she has nothing to do with you, we're over get that through your head"

"Why do you love her and not me Abel!? She doesn't love you Abel, she just wants you for your money. I was there when you were homeless I helped you!"

Every time I would end things with Valerie she would give me the guilt trip so I would stay. We were there for each other when we didn't have anything but I didn't love her like I did before.

"Val I appreciate the time we had together but I'm not in love with you and you know damn well you feel the same. I'll always take care of you though"

"Abel I want you!! Come on baby do some lines with me and we can fuck like we use to"

She was so gone she didn't want to hear what I was saying to her.

"I'm leaving Valerie, take care"

I kissed her forehead and left. I could hear her screaming and throwing things against her door after I closed it.

After leaving Valerie's I decided to see Maya anyway, since I usually come all different times at night she gave me a key to get in her place. Walking into her bedroom I saw her fast asleep on her side hugging up with a pillow. Her breast was slightly coming out of her white tank top so I covered her up. I knelt down near her face and kissed her lips.

"Mmm.. What time is it?"

"It's almost 5am, I just came to see you and tell you goodnight"

"Baby stay with me, you're tired and need sleep"

"I'll be fine, just go back to sleep and I'll text you later"

"Abel stop being so stubborn, just sleep here. I promise I won't try anything"

She smirked and pulled me into bed with her. I laid next to her wrapping my arms around her until she fell asleep.


I didn't wake up until almost 10am, fighting to open my eyes I turned and saw Abel had left. Since we started seeing each other again I didn't bring up about me loving him or wanting a serious relationship. He wasn't the relationship type of guy and I knew that from the beginning.

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