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~3 Months Later~


I was officially done with touring and couldn't wait to get home. Maya ended up staying at my place when my mom came down and convinced her to stay. I would FaceTime her every day so she could show me how my daughter grew. I was anxious to see my baby and talk with Maya. While I was on tour I saw pics of her out with that nigga Sean.

Maya started going out when pictures surfaced of Valerie being on tour with me. The only reason why I brought her was to guarantee she wouldn't do anything unpredictable to Maya or my daughter.

I knew whatever explanation I would give her she wouldn't buy it. I had Cash leave Valerie at her place while I went home.

I walked in to see baby toys in the living room. Shit sure has changed. Maya was sitting on the sofa while Isabella was in her bouncer. She didn't notice I was home yet. I haven't seen her face to face in so long I just couldn't stop staring until she looked up and saw me.

"Abel, you're home"

I didn't expect her to be happy to see me. She walked over and kissed my cheek. I sat on the sofa looking at Isabella sleeping.

"She grew so much"

"She has, she's a little chunky thing"

Maya started to pick up the toys from the living room. I admired over my daughter, she was the same complexion as me and had dark short curly hair. She was the only pure thing I had in this life.

"We need to talk Maya"

"What about Abel?

"Since when have you been going out with that nigga you use to go to school with?"

I bit my lip out of anger just remembering the pictures I saw of him hugging her.

"I don't know what you're talking about"

She had this smirk and knew what I was talking about.

"Stop fucking playing Maya, I seen the picture of you and that guy. He was hugging you from behind"

"I'm not playing Abel, I went out with friends that night and that's all"

"Are you fucking him?"

"Even if I was that's none of your business. If you forgot I'm just the mother of your daughter, the girl you need to worry about was the one you were on tour with"

I grabbed the back of my neck feeling even more pissed off.

"I only took her to keep her away from you and the baby. Now that I'm here I will end all of that"

"Always with your excuses Abel. While you were away did you know that crazy bitch found me on Twitter? Yeah Abel she sent me pics of her sucking your dick and partying together. So before you go around worrying about me you need to worry about yourself. And no I'm not fucking Sean, we are friends and nothing more"

She grabbed the baby from the bouncer and went up stairs.

I knew shit was bad between us and I hated the fact that it was all my fault. I went up to her room and wanted to make shit right between us.

Opening her door to see Isabella fast asleep in her bassinet. I walked near the restroom door to see Maya putting on makeup in her bra and panties. Her body was a little more fuller and even more sexy, you wouldn't think she had a baby a couple of months ago.

"Now you don't even knock?"

She spat while looking at me through the mirror.

"Where are you going?"

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