Odd Look

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We had to cancel our plans to Las Vegas since Abel had to head back to Toronto last minute. His album was about to be released and his label needed him ready for listening parties, interviews and shows.

Today I was visiting my Nana and couldn't be more than happy to see her. Abel was still asleep in my bed as I got ready to head out.

"Where you going?"

"I'm going to see my Nana, go back to sleep. I'll be back later"

Sitting beside him he laid his head on my lap as I started to play with his hair.

"Let me go with you"

Looking down at him I was a little surprised he wanted to go. Out of all the times he seen me leave to visit my Nana he never showed interest in coming with me.

"Okay baby"

Getting out of bed he jumped in the shower and came out twenty minutes later in just a towel around his waist.

"What should I wear? I don't think I have anything decent with me"

Looking at Abel I never seen him so nervous like this.

"Baby relax and wear whatever you like. I've never seen you this nervous, it's cute"

Looking back at me he couldn't help to smile.

"It's just that I don't want your grandma to think I ain't worth having you, I've had a lot of girlfriends family not like me because I wasn't what they expected"

"Abel don't worry about that, as long as I love you I'm sure she will too"

After convincing Abel everything would be okay, we finally left to see my Nana. Holding his hand we walked up to her door where I knocked and waited for Estelle to answer.

"Hey honey! Come on in, your grandmother is waiting for you"

"Hey Estelle, this is my boyfriend Abel, how is my Nana today? Is she being a giving you any trouble?"

"Nice to meet you Abel, I'm Estelle"

Abel gently shook Estelle's hand.

"Nice too meet you too Estelle"

Walking him to the living room where my grandmother was sitting, I saw her knitting.

"Nana.. Are you knitting?"

Looking up she gave me the biggest brightest smile like she always has.

"Baby! What a surprise, I've missed you"

Hugging her and kissing her forehead I backed up and grabbed Abel's hand.

"I've missed you too Nana, I have someone here I want you to meet. This is my boyfriend Abel"

Slightly turning she reached and hugged Abel, once he got up and faced toward me I smiled at him knowing he must of felt relived my Nana was accepting of him.

"He's a handsome one baby, it's nice meeting you Abel. I hope my granddaughter isn't giving you any trouble"

Abel and I sat across from her in the living room.

"Thank you but he's the trouble maker in this relationship"

"She's actually right ma'am, I'm surprised she even deals with me"

Abel squeezed my hand as I looked at him being so polite.

"As long as you two love each other you can overcome any obstacles. Just be patient with each other"

Kissing Abel's cheek my Nana kept knitting as she talked about how I was always getting in trouble as a little girl, pretty much telling Abel her memories of me.

"So Nana, what are you knitting?"

"Oh just baby booties and baby caps.

"Are they for someone special that you know?"

Placing her yarn beside her she looked up and smiled.

"They're for when you give me some great grand babies"

Looking at Abel I slightly laughed.

"Nana.. I'm too young for babies, plus I want to be married before I pop any kids, just my thing about having a commitment"

Abel looked at me smiling knowing I was feeling awkward. I never told him how I wanted to have kids in the future.

"Well I think you already found someone special  Simaya, time isn't always in your hand"

"I already told her to move in with me ma'am but she refuses"
Abel had to mention that he wanted me to move in with him.
Now feeling like they are ganging up on me I had to make things clear. Giving Abel the evil eye he just smiled and winked at me.

"Wait a minute, I'm not against having babies.. to be honest I want like four kids but I want a comitment like marriage before I sacrifice my body and life for a man and child. Nana you know how my parents never married and they weren't in the best of situations and I ended up growing up rough. Seeing them cheat on each other and not be around to take care of me really gave me issues" 


Looking at Maya I could tell she was getting nervous and tense talking about her past. She's told me bits and pieces about her parents and how she came to live in Toronto but never the ful story.

Seeing how it bothered her I never wanted to push her to tell me but instead waited for her.

"Simaya I just want you to be happy, you deserve to be happy and if that's how you want things I could only be supportive. You're my only granddaughter and I want to leave knowing you have someone that will love you as much as I do"

Feeling Maya shift in her seat a little I knew she was upset. Looking at her she gently wiped a tear before it could fall.

"Don't talk like that Nana, you have many more years and I promise you that you won't have to worry about me"

Hugging Maya I kissed the side of her head making sure she knew I was there for her.

Sitting there I was about to do something I've never done before. Hearing how Maya's grandmother worried I felt I needed to assure her my attentions with her weren't temporary.

"Mrs. Arias.."

Maya looked at me surprised waiting to hear what I had to say.

"I know we just met today but I've known Simaya for a while now... to be honest I never expected to have or wanted a relationship until I met her. Your granddaughter is everything to me and even if she doesn't stay with me I promise you I'll always take care of her"

Looking at Maya I could see her smile.

Getting off the sofa I got on one knee, holding Maya's hand between my hands I pulled out her promise ring out of my pocket.

"Baby, I know commitment is important to you and I know I had my wrongs but I know you're the only one I want. I promise you I'll do my best to give you what you need, let me love you like you deserve. I got you this promise ring to show you I'm serious about you... about us"

Placing the three carat diamond ring on her left finger she started to lightly cry and laugh while looking at the ring.

"Abel this is a big promise ring"

"Well it's really an engagement ring but I didn't want you to get scared and say no"

"So ask me what you really wanted to ask.."

Looking down I could only smile as she waited.

While her grandmother looked at us with tears in her eyes I looked at Maya's dark hazel eyes.

"Simaya.. will you marry me?"

Biting her lip she finally answered.

"Yes... Abel I will"

Cupping her face I kissed her as these unexplained feelings just rushed my body. I've never done this before and this couldn't feel anymore right. I was ready for this new chapter in my life.

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