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Stretching my legs I felt the beam of sunlight shine through the cracks of the window curtain. I was in bed in my boy shorts and a tank top, Abel must of changed me. Looking to my left I noticed I was alone in bed, sitting up I checked my phone to see it was 10am. Going through my texts I saw one from my ex boyfriend Jessie, why the hell was he texting me that he missed me? Fuck that guy, I ignored it and went to Abel's message.


Went to get breakfast, see you in a bit.


Laying back down my head was spinning, I'm never drinking again, thank god I requested the weekend off. Pulling my comforter over me I heard my door open, he's already back.

"Babe get up, I brought you breakfast"

"I'm tired... Give me a couple of more minutes"

Pulling the comforter over my head, food was the last thing I wanted to eat. I hate hangovers.

"Don't make me get you out of that bed"

"You ain't gon' do shit baby"

Getting comfortable I felt Abel pull my comforter off and get on top of me while smothering me with kisses all over my face. While he was kissing me all over he started tickling me which I hated.

"Oh my god Abel stop!!"

Trying to wiggle my way out of his grip he pinned me down to just to tickle me behind my ear with his tongue.

"Okaay okaay I'll get up!"

"Oh now you want to get up? Didn't you just say I wasn't gon' do shit?"

"You must've heard wrong baby, I was about to just get out of bed"

With a big smile across my face he kissed my lips and let me get up.

"Yuck! Morning breath"


Laughing on his way out I threw a pillow at his back.

"Hurry up, breakfast is getting cold"

After washing my face and brushing my teeth I met him at my dining room table. He had the table full of all types of breakfast food.

"Hungry much?"

I leaned down to kiss he cheeks when he pulled away.

"Wait did you brush your teeth?"

Smiling from ear to ear he enjoyed teasing me.

"Did you comb your mop hair?"

Returning the same sarcasm he laughed.

"Hey, you be pulling this mop when I'm eating you out"

Laughing at my comeback he pulled me on his lap kissing my neck and cheek.

"Why so much food?"

"I didn't know what you wanted so I practically ordered the whole menu"

Looking around the table I spotted what I wanted.

"Mmm.. I'll take the French toast, eggs and bacon"

Taking the seat next to him I pulled the take-out container toward me and immediately started digging in.

"Hungry are we?"

"Mmhmm.. I felt like shit when I woke up but this food smells amazing"


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