Montreal Pt. 1

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It felt good waking up with Maya next me. She's was sleeping on her stomach naked with her hair everywhere. I caressed her back and kissed her shoulder to see if she would wake up but she was tired considering we didn't fall asleep until six in the morning.

I got up up to call Cash to let him know I would be over later than what I thought. I sat on the sofa and lit my cigarette. Valerie kept calling and texting my phone wanting to see me to explain shit. She didn't get that it was over between us.

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

Maya walking in a robe the hotel provided us.

"I didn't want to wake you baby, I knew you were tired"

I pulled her into my lap pecking her lips while she wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Thanks baby but I'm anxious to get home to the baby"

"Let's get going then. I already told Cash I was metting up with him later"

My phone kept vibrating because of Valerie texting me. I could see Maya noticed the noise and I felt that I needed to let her that I ended things with her.

"I ended shit with Valerie, now she's blowing up my phone"

She looked at me with her lips pressed.

"Maybe you should talk to her, she's very unpredictable and it won't hurt to hear what she has to say"

"She'll be okay, I need to keep away from her"

She stood quiet for a second.

"Do you still love her?"

"Nah, I care about her but I don't love her like that"

Maya looked at me confused as I tried explaining myself. Seeing the concern in her face I gently turned her face by her chin so she could look into my eyes.

"Baby the only person that I love is you, don't worry about anybody else"

"I'm just wondering.. How do you know that you love me?"

"I knew when I couldn't stop thinking of you everyday, I hated the thought of you being with anyone else. I wanted you for myself sober or high as fuck"

She smiled and kissed my lips. It was the truth I couldn't ever get enough of her and she didn't deal with any of my shit like other girls.

"We gotta get back, Cash is waiting for me to go over this Montreal show"


"Yeah, I have two shows next weekend. Do you want to come?"

"I would love to baby but what about Isabella? It's a five hour trip"

"I'm sure my mama wouldn't mind watching her, I practically have to beg her to give her back to me. And we are flying so it won't be that long"

I laughed how attached my mother has gotten to my daughter.

"As long as she's fine with it I'll go"

I was happy she finally agreed, I wanted her with me all the time even while I was on the road. I hated being alone.

~3 Weeks Later~


I was all packed for this trip to Montreal, we were leaving a bit early because Abel needed extra days to do his rehearsals. At home he's been gone most of the time but when he's home he always makes up for not being around. I understood that was part of his job.

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