The Town

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After a week I finally got Maya to agree to move in with me. I told Valerie that I was getting rid of my Toronto place and will be staying in Scarborough when I was in town. I know this shit is wrong but I can't lose Valerie or Maya. Cash was helping me make all these moves so I had some down time to see my mother in Scarborough. I wanted to tell her how I'm going to be a father before she hears it elsewhere. I had Amina stay with Maya while I headed out.

As the streets became more familiar I pull into my mothers home. Walking in she's surprised to see me since I've been so busy touring.

"I'm so glad your here baby!"

"It's good to see you too ma"

"Sit down, are you hungry or thirsty?"

"I'm fine thanks. How's everything been?"

"Great, just missing you son."

"I know ma, I will be having some down time to see you more"

"Good, we miss you around here. So tell me what's going on?"

"How do you know something is wrong?"

"Your my son, when something is going on you come and see me"

"I can't just miss you?"

"Yes you can but you just texted me a few days ago. So tell me"

"I'm going to be a father"

"Don't tell me you got that tramp looking girl pregnant Abel, I told you that girl Valerie is bad news son"

"Nah ma, she's not pregnant. It's a girl named Simaya"

"What happened to Valerie?"

"She's still around"

"So your still with Valerie but having a baby with someone else?"

My mother caught on to my problem. She never liked Valerie since she saw how controlling she was towards me.

"Yeah ma, I have a girlfriend and a girl whose having my baby any day now"

I told her everything about Maya and how she was having a girl and now living at my place. My mother was excited to be a grandmother and already wanted to meet her.

"Abel, it seems like you have everything figured out. If you don't want your child's mother you can still be a father and stay with that one girl"

"Valerie ma... I know but I think I love Maya. I never told her back when she would tell me. I can't handle the thought of her with another man and I know she can't be alone waiting on me. She's a good girl and I don't want to lose her"

"Son you need to figure out what you want, your child is coming soon and she can't see her dad with different females in his life. If you feel love for Simaya then you really don't love Valerie because if you did you wouldn't be having a baby with someone else"

I knew my mother was right, that's why I always came to her. I stood the night and would leave with her to Toronto so she could meet Maya.

I let Maya know I was returning with my mother tomorrow evening because she wanted to meet her.


I was finally off bed rest and anxiously got ready to see my nana. It was a obstacle to get ready this far in my pregnancy but baby girl was due any day and I couldn't wait. I grabbed my purse and and headed down stairs where a driver waited for me, Abel didn't want me driving myself anymore. I was nervous for later because he told me that he was bringing his mom back to meet me, it was a big deal to me because she was going to be in child's life. My nerves got put aside when I finally saw my nana'a face. I waited to see if she remembered me before saying anything.

"Baby! Why haven't you came to se me?"

I went up to her hugging her right and took in her scent.

"I was on bed rest nana, I came as soon as I can"

"You're so beautiful Simaya, you're glowing"

"You're even more beautiful nana, how are you feeling?"

"I could be better baby, but I'm here how's everything with my great granddaughter?"

"She's ready to come any day now"

"That's great dear. How are your other kids?"

By this time I knew I lost her but at least she remembered me enough to miss me. I stayed and played along to whoever she thought I was just to spend time with her. I always left thinking it would be the last time I saw her so I always embraced for a couple of minutes.

On the way back my nerves started to kick in, Abel texted me that he was there with his mother waiting for me to go out to dinner. Walking in I was quickly embraced by his mother.

"You must be Simaya, Abel she's a gorgeous one!"

"Yes I am and thank you, you beautiful as well Ms. Tesfaye"

"Don't call me that baby, call me ma"

I felt a little odd that his mother embraced me so fast. I could see Abel laughing on the sofa as I stood there awkwardly.

"Are you sure?"

"We are family now of course I'm sure Simaya"

"Thank you"

I hugged her for being so kind.

"I don't know about you ladies but I'm starving"

"Let me get my coat son and we can go"

"Alright ma. So how's your grandma?"

"She's fine. She remembered me for the first five minutes, she told me that she missed me"

"I missed you too"

I looked at him strange, he was clearly sober and he actually said that.

"Ready kids?"

His mom walked in ready to go out to dinner. He grabbed my hand as we walked out and I knew something was going on.


We had a good time during dinner and couldn't wait to get back to see why Abel was being very affectionate with me. Walking in his mother excused her self and went to stay in Abel's room since I had one guest room and the other was being being turned into a nursery.

"I was going to ask you if it's okay if I slept in your room until my mom leaves"

"Only if you tell me why are you being so affectionate towards me"

"I'm always like this with you"

"Only when your high"

"Yeah well I can't be high around my mother. If it bothers you I'll stop"

"It doesn't, I miss it but I want you to mean it"

"I do mean it, I'm just confused right now and I need time to figure some things out"

I don't know what he needed time for but I couldn't rush him.

We walked to my bedroom and I couldn't wait to shower and go to bed. It's been a long day.

Getting in bed Abel instantly wrapped his arms around me.

"I really missed you baby"

"I miss you too but you can't keep doing this to me"

"I know but I just want you to know that I do love your ass and I'm happy you're here allowing me to be a part of this"

He placed his hand on my belly and kissed my cheek.

"I love your ass too Abel"

I fell asleep in his arms.

Being this far along in my pregnancy it was hard for me to stay asleep. It was 3am and I could feel those familiar pains again. I walked to the kitchen hoping some tea would help relax me when the doorbell started to constantly ring.

The person on the other side was banging on the door and screaming for Abel. Thinking it was someone he knew, I opened the door when Valerie came rushing in pushing me down to the floor.

"Where the fuck is Abel at?!"

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