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It's been over a months since Abel has been ignoring me. Since he left that night I became obsessed with getting him back that I fell deeper into the drugs. My binge would consist of doing lines of coke or doing meth. When I was high all my pain and all my loniless didn't matter, I didn't feel anything but euphoria.

Grabbing my glass pipe I smoked the crystal substance from it inhaling while slowly releasing it. It was Abel's birthday and I wanted to see him so I went online to see that he was going to some club in downtown Toronto. Getting high in the parking lot the tweak kept me up long enough to see him leave and be dropped off at this stripper bitch he was seeing building.

Sitting in my car across from the building Abel entered, I remembered how we spent every birthday together since he was 18. Abel and I had had history together, in high school we met before he dropped out and started dating. When he had no place to go I would sneak him into my bedroom and let him sleep with me eventually leading to him taking my virginity.

Even though he dropped out I still continued with grade 12. Being on the streets changed Abel and taught him things about getting by. The drugs came first, it numbed him to the core and made him not feel the pain of hurting his mother or feel the loss of not having his father around. Being the passive girlfriend I often did these drugs with him so I could understand where he was coming from.

Coming from a wealthy prominent family, my parents didn't care what I did as long as I didn't embarrass them publicly. My father was trying to get into politics and didn't want anyone hurting his image, what people didn't know was that he often smoked crack cocaine to get through the day. 

Failing most of my classes my father decided to keep me at home and study with a tutor so I would graduate. He was embarrassed enough that his only child was failing high school. Since I was being tutored at home it made it hard for me to see Abel who by now was the only person I thought cared and loved me. The nights he would come and bring me the drugs so I would get through my days leaving me to crave more and more of an high.

This went on for 4 years, feeding me drugs as I feed him sex. Knowing that I wasn't the only one giving him sex I noticed he would come to see me because he felt pitty for me. The smell of other females perfume lingered on his clothes, love bites on his neck were exposed, lipstick on his collar proving he was with another. Even knowing that I still let him in my bed.

We had a complicated relationship and even though I never heard him tell me he loved me, I heard him say it in a song.

My father passed away and I was left with my crack head mother in a small apartment downtown with all my fathers money.

Since Abel started becoming famous the less I saw him and the more I withdrew from the world. I became obsessed with his persona 'The Weeknd' not caring that each song was about multiple girls he had been with, I pretended they were all about me.

Every time Abel was with me he'd always tell me how he needed and wanted me, making me feel special. Knowing what I now know that wasn't the case, I was his past and reminded him of the struggle he went through to get to where he is at. Abel didn't need anyone.

Since I had the miscarriage Abel always vowed to take care of me whether we were together or not. I never held him to this offer because it was my fault I lost the baby we could of had. I was mixing pills with doing lines and adding meth to mix knowing I was 3 months late for my menstrual. My addiction took what I could of had with Abel.

Looking at him now enter the building with this girl I knew he was at a different point in his life. He looked like he was in love.

Night became morning and morning became night again and I couldn't wait anymore I went up to her floor and knocked on her door. A psycho move but I was going through withdrawals while waiting for Abel and I needed him bad. I didn't want him loving any other girl but me and I was going to get my way whether he liked it or not.

The door opened and I ran in looking for him. He looked straight at me.

"Valerie what are you doing here?"

Looking at me surprised I had to get him to leave with me.

"Abel baby why haven't you been answering my calls or texts? I need you, I remembered following you here at this sluts place and saw you go in so I waiting for you but you never came out. Baby please lets get out of here and go back to my place, I need you Abel, pleaaase"

"Valerie I told you we were over, now go home and sleep off whatever your high on"

The girl left us to be alone and I had to take the opportunity to make him come with me.

"Abel I'm not leaving until you come with me, so if you want me to cause a scene in front of your little girlfriend come back with me"

"Don't fucken threaten me Valerie, what don't you get that we are over??"

After 15 minutes of begging and crying to him he finally went upstairs to tell his whore he was leaving with me. I got him where I want him.

Driving back to my apartment he stood there looking at the photos of us that Lamar took when we would hang out. I know the memories were flooding through his brain.

"Remember this? It was at your first show at the Mod club. You were so nervous that felt like throwing up"

"I remember. Val why are you doing this?"

"I miss you, I want you"

Walking up to him I wrapped my hand around him handing him the blunt I was smoking. He took it and puffed on it.

"I miss you too Val. But I'm not in love with you"

Backing up I went to get my glass mirror to get my fix. Dabbing the coke on the mirror I used a card to seperate 6 lines.

"Baby I'm numb to love, I just wanted to fuck"

Grabbing his hand I guided him to the sofa right in front of the lines waiting for us. I did 3 leaving three for him.

"Valerie I can't do this anymore. I got to go"

"NO! baby please, mercy me. Make my night and I promise I'll leave you alone"

The temptation didn't take long when he took the rolled up twenty dollar bill and sniffed up the three lines. He thre his head back resting it on the sofa letting the drugs take over.

"I did it Val... now I got to go"

Still kneeled down by the coffee table I opened his legs fitting myself between them.

"Val I can't..What the fuck did you give me?"

"Shhh.. yes you can. I always make you feel good"

Abel was use to pure cocaine but what I gave him was crack. It was a different sensation that he ws not use to and I had him where I wanted him.

Not knowing his reaction his high wasn't able to make him function so my plan backfired on me. His dick wouldn't get hard and he was talking about nonsense. Kneeling up I started to kiss his jawline where his beard was lined up.

"Maya... you know what that does to me"

"MAYA? UGH Abel what do you see in that girl that you don't see in me? She's not all that great"

Looking down at me he had a smirk and threw his head back on the sofa before speaking again.

"My bad Val, I told you I can't do this. If I have sex with you I would only be making love to her through you"

I gave up on tonight, leaving him on the sofa to fall asleep I went to my room to pleasure myself since the drugs aroused me. But this is not the end of me getting Abel back.


So what do you guys think of Valerie and Abel? 

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