Trust Issues Pt. 1

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Abel left two days ago and I was headed to meet my grandmothers lawyer. The driver pulled up to one of the skyscrapers in downtown Toronto. It was early in the morning and I had Bella with me since Abel's mom had to head back to Scarborough. She wouldn't be back until my next meeting for Abel's Official XO clothing.

The driver had the stroller ready so I held Bella with blankets and placed her in her weather protective stroller. Snapping the cover shielding her from the cold breeze I headed up to this overwhelming building. This building was beautiful and I couldn't help to feel nervous.

Reaching to the sixtieth floor I walked down a large hall passing and looking at multiple double doors, finally stopping at the lawyers name.

"Allan Merowitz... This is it baby girl"

I whispered as if Bella could hear or understand me.

Walking in I was greeted by a older woman who was typing away on her computer.

"Hello, how may I help you?

"Hi, I have an appointment with Mr. Merowitz"

"And your name Miss?"

"Simaya Arias"

The woman then called and notified that I was here.

"Yes, he's expecting you. Go right on in"

Walking in I was instantly greeted by a handsome man in a dark suit who was eager to shake my hand.

"Miss Arias, I'm glad that you made it in this whirlwind of weather we are having. My name is Allan"

"It's a bit chilly, nothing too extereme. You can call me Simaya"

"Well I see you have a little one with you"

I unsnapped the weather protector so I could see Bella who was still fast asleep.

"Yeah, my daughter Bella.. Isabella"

"She's beautiful Miss. Arias. I would say she looks like your husband?"

"She does look like her father, I'm not married"

"What a shame"

I couldn't help but let out a faint laugh, this guy was bold as fuck. There was no denying Bella looked nothing like me.

"Let's get down to why I asked you to come here today"

Allan sat behind his desk and started un-organizing papers. I sat in the large chair facing him waiting for him to speak.

"For the past twenty years this firm has been managing your grandparents finances as well as represent them legally. When both of you grandparents passed they named you beneficiary of their assets. Your grandparents invested and made, and continue to make money through their investments. Now that you are now the legal beneficiary of these funds, I must give you access to all accounts"

While he explained this I was just sitting there confused as fuck. I didn't know about any of this.

"I'm sorry.. But my grandparents were retired, that's why they moved to Toronto from New York."

He could tell the shocked look in my face.

"Miss Arias your grandparents lived modestly but comfortable because of these investments. Your grandmother had a certain amount in her funded account that your grandfather and herself agreed upon. But he they you his main beneficiary. Making you a very wealthy woman"

I shook my head in shock. It was too much to take in.

"So are we talking a few thousands?"

I could see him slightly laugh.

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