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Before Abel came back to Toronto I moved back to my loft. I only brought my things and left most of Isabella's things there. It was strange to be back at my place, I was so use to waking up in Abel's room and now I was back where I started. I was sad that Abel and I weren't getting along but I wasn't going to force him to be with me if he wasn't ready.

*Door Bell*

I wasn't expecting anyone so early. I looked through the peep hole and saw Abel standing outside my door.

I opened the door, he looked tired, his eyes were blood shot and droopy like he hasn't slept in days.

"Are you feeling okay?"

"I'm good, just tired. Where's Isabella?"

"She's right over here, I was feeding her baby cereal"

He walked over and sat in the seat next to her high chair.

"She's already eating?"

I sat across from him on the other side of the baby.

"She still drinks formula, her doctor just wanted me to start her on this cereal. I guess to eventually introduce her to solids. I feel so dumb about this stuff sometimes"

Abel's mom usually helped me understand things regarding the baby but she went back to Scarborough to visit her sister.

"My mom really misses you two.."

"I told her she's welcomed here anytime, and whenever she has time she can spend it with Isabella"

While I told him this he took her out of her high chair and held her looking at her face and kissing her cheeks.

"I know I fucked up Maya, we could've been waking up together. Now my daughter has a low life father that messed up her family"

I could tell he's been fighting himself since I left. He was far from a lowlife, he had issues like everyone else.

"Why are you saying that? You are far from a lowlife Abel, we don't get along because we want different things right now. That's just life"

As much as it hurt to say I understood that he didn't want to settle down yet. He was twenty-three at the prime of his career, I couldn't hold him back from his dreams.

"I'm going on tour with Drake in a couple of weeks. We will be in Europe for about two months"

"You're leaving again?"

He was only home for a little over a month and he was going to leave me again.

"Yeah, I gotta work while I can"

He kissed and handed the baby to me while walking towards the door. I placed the baby in her bouncer and walked towards him. I wanted to hug him and tell him not to go and to stay until he left on tour. But my anger of him pushing me away intervened.

"Be safe Abel"

"Don't worry bout me, just make sure you send me pics and videos of our daughter while I'm away"

"I'll always worry about you...I love you"

He got close to my face placing a kiss on my forehead and finally placing one on my lips.

"I love you too baby, don't ever questioned that. When I get back I'm going to fuck you good"

He gave me a smirk, I couldn't help but laugh at his bluntness.

"That was sweet to say"

"I'm just being honest baby girl, you're the only one that could satisfy me. When I get back I'm fixing this, so there can be an 'us'"

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