Coming Down

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Turning I felt Maya's side was empty. I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and saw I had messages but they were cleared from my notifications. This only meant that Maya must have gone through my phone. I got up and went downstairs to find her. She was at her dinning room table eating.

"Did you go through my phone?"

"No, it kept vibrating and I thought it was your alarm going off but it was your girlfriend texting you"

"That's still going through my shit, you don't see me going through your phone"

"Even if you did I wouldn't give a fuck, I have nothing to hide Abel, I never did"

"I never hid anything from you either Simaya"

"You're right, you didn't hide anything from me. I just assumed you were single because you've been here the past two nights with me right?"

"What do you want from me?"

She got up and threw her bowel in the sink before coming up to my face.

"Tell me, is she the same girl you made the song about?"

Staying quiet I hesitated n answering.

"Yeah, we've been together off and on for 3 years"

"Do you love her Abel?"

"Maya why are you doing this?"

"Answer me, do you?"

"Yeah, I do love her"

When I told her that, I could see her heart break through her eyes. Her eyes watered and before I could see her drop a tear she went up to her bedroom. I left her place feeling fucked up for doing this to her. I knew she loved me and I basically crushed her heart before leaving to finish my tour.

~3 weeks Later~


I kept tossing and turning, my back was in pain. The doctor told me things like this would happen but I couldn't take the pain anymore, I needed to see my doctor. I called Amina so she can take me because I hated going alone.

"You think the baby is already coming??"

"I don't think so, well I don't know if it's suppose to feel like this"

"Don't you have a couple of more weeks though My?"

"Yeah, that's why I wanted to come. This is all new to me"

We got to the hospital and I told the nurse what was going on, she wheeled me in a wheelchair to the labor & delivery floor.

I was laying on the exam table when Amina asked if she should text Abel. I knew how upset he was when I kept things from him so I agreed.

"I've been ignoring him for weeks, he's probably still touring"

"So you want me to tell him?"

"Go ahead Amina"

While she texted Abel the doctor came in with a nurse ready to examine me.

"Hello my dear, I see we are almost there"

"Yeah and I don't know if she can wait"

"Well let's see what's going on"

He checked my cervix, that shit hurt but it was necessary, then moved on to a ultrasound.

"You're having contractions, did you just feel that?"

"Yeah, it hurts like hell"

"You are contracting but barely 2cm, you have two choices. We can keep you overnight and give you medicine to try and stop the contractions as long as we can, or you can go into pre term labor"

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