Montreal Pt. 2

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Sleeping I could hear Abel walk in, he took off his shoes and clothes just to collapse on the bed. I knew he was faded as fuck and didn't say a word. He just laid there not touching me or saying a word to me. It was 7 am and I knew rehearsals didn't last till morning.

"Why didn't you text me back?"

"I was busy"

"Since when do rehearsals last till 7 in the morning?

I tried holding myself back from going off on this nigga.

"I went out with my niggas, do you need to know my every move now?"

I sat up so I could face him.

"What the fuck is up with you? Ever since we got here you've been acting different"

"Chill on how you talk to me Maya, this aint no vacation you knew this was about work"

This was the Abel that I met, the one that didn't give a fuck about anyone.

"Funny that you say that, you got time to go clubbing with your boys but don't got time to spend with me? When you're the one that invited me here"

"Well maybe I shouldn't have invited you to come, always questioning me like you're my fucken mother"

He sat up as soon as he saw me get out of the bed and start getting dressed.

"Fuck you Abel! I could have stayed home for this shit, wasting my time staying in a hotel waiting for your ass to get back just so you can smell like a female was all over your ass"

His widened when I pointed out the obvious.

"So now your're accusing me?"

My luggage was laid out while stuffing all my stuff in it.

"Nah nigga I'm not accusing you, I'm just stating the obvious. You smell like cologne, weed and some bitches cheap ass perfume"

While I packed he came inches from my face with a look I never seen before.

"You think you know everything right? I believed your ass when you said you didn't fuck that nigga from school didn't I? Now you here in MY hotel room thinking you run this shit, this ain't that strip club you shook your ass at"

I didn't care that he was high, the things he said shouldn't ever came out of his mouth. My anger blinded me and I pushed him away from me. He grabbed my arm squeezing it tight while I tried to brake loose.

"Get the fuck off of me Abel!"

He finally threw me on the bed while tears started to fall out of anger.

"You're a crazy bitch, I should of known better to fuck a bitch like you"

I got off the bed and grabbed my luggage leaving as fast as I could. I was rushing down the hallway when I accidentally bumped into someone by the elevator, it was Cash.

"Fuck... I'm sorry Cash"

I tried getting in the elevator when he eventually got in himself.

"Wait ..Simaya what's wrong?"

Tears were running down my face and I searched for my sunglasses so people wouldn't look at me crazy.

"I'm sorry Cash, I don't want to involve you because I know you will always be on Abel's side. But he's a fucken asshole, I don't care if he's high, it doesn't mean he can treat people like shit"

I could tell he's speechless.

"I'm sorry Simaya I know he can push people away"

"I just need to get away from him, he can be with the bitch that he was with last night"

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