Love In The Sky Pt. 2

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Getting to the hospital I quickly went to the emergency room where I saw Cash with the crew in the waiting area.

"Cash what happened? Can I see him? I need to see him, please"

Tears began to fall uncontrollably as I tried my hardest to be calm.

"He's in surgery right now Simaya, He slit his wrist and I found him on the floor past out"

I couldn't believe what he said. Abel loved his life but I knew he had issues from the past, the fact that he scares from cutting on his forearm only proved it.

"Cash I can't believe this..."

Amina came and hugged me and sat me down knowing I was still in shock. 

Waiting another hour, the doctor finally came out to give us Abel's progress.

"Family for Mr. Tesfaye?"

We a stood up circling the doctor waiting for him to speak.

"How's he doing Dr?"

"He lost quite a bit of blood but the surgery was a success, we were able to stop the bleeding in his artery. He's in ICU, conscious. He will be moved to recovery within an hour or so, and from there you will be able to see him"

"Thank you"

Feeling relief I started to walk back to sit down. Before I could make it to the waiting room seat I felt weak and so sick that I blacked out.

~~2 Hours Later~~


I never meant to cut my wrist so deep. I just wanted to see if I was really numb, being high really fucked with my head and the come down was real right now.

Seeing my father last night put me back into the dark point in my life. I use to cut myself to feel the physical pain that was caused by being emotionally damaged from my father leaving us. Through the years I eventually got over the anger and moved on but it still messed with my head from time.

Having not done this since I was a teenager I knew I took it too far and cut too deep into my wrist. Now everyone was going to look at me like mental patient wanting to end my life.


"How are you feeling bro?"

My whole crew came in looking scared to see me in this condition. My right wrist was bandage and I was connected to an IV and to a heart monitor.

"You guy's can stop looking at me all scared and shit"

"Nigga you almost died, you scared us. You're our brother so that hits home"

"I know I fucked up Lamar, I wasn't thinking right. This shit was dumb of me"

"Just get better, we only got a few minutes with you before they kick us out"

"I seriously doubt they'll kick you out Hy, you look scary as fuck"

Hyghly  laughed.

"Where's my girl at?"

They all stood quiet until Cash spoke up.

"She's with Amina, getting checked"

"What happened to her?"

"She wasn't feeling good so Amin-"

Before he could finish Maya came through the door. Her hair was up in a messy bun and it looked like she'd been crying.

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