The Birds Pt. 2

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I pushed this hoe away from me while trying to pull my pants up.

Why was Maya even here?

Rushing down stairs I spotted Cash.

"There you are bro, I've been looking for you"

"Cash why was Simaya here?"

"I brought Amina, so she invited her to come. What's wrong?"

"I was upstairs and she walked in on me fucking with some girl"

"Damn for real? She left her purse in my car and if Amina finds out she's going to give me shit about it"

I know I had no commitment to Maya but I felt like shit about her seeing what I was doing.

"Get me her purse and just tell Amina she's with me. I'm going to find her and talk to her, all this shit is just fucked up"

"Damn bro it sure sounds like you really care, maybe you love the girl"

I gave Cash a death stare as he left to get Maya's purse.

Cash wasn't wrong, I did care about Maya but I couldn't be in love with her. At this point in my life I had plenty of woman to keep me company and I didn't want to hurt her anymore.


After walking for almost forty five minutes my feet were killing me because of my six inch heels. Tonight was a fucken disaster, first Abel's friend tried having sex with me and walking in on Abel having sex with some bitch just topped off my night. Seeing that made me feel like my heart was being ripped from my chest.

Even after seeing that I couldn't help to feel it was my fault. He warned me about falling in love with him, and I did anyways. Now I'm the girl who loves a guy who doesn't love her back.

I changed because of Abel, If it was any other guy I would of been long gone and moved on with my life. I hated the thought of sharing him with other girls but while he was with me he made me feel like I was the only one to him.

Entering my building I took my heels off walking barefoot in the lobby heels in hand, I just wanted to sleep and forget about tonight even happening. Since I left my stuff in Cash's car I had management open my door for me.

"There you go Miss. Arias, have a good night"

"Likewise John"

I gave him a faint smile of appreciation.

Pushing the door open I saw Abel sitting on my sofa while on his phone.

"What are you doing here?"

This is what I get for giving him a key.

"I came to see if you were okay and to bring your purse"

I walked over to him and grabbed the purse and placed it on my dinning room table.


At this time he was up from the sofa and standing near me.

"Simaya we need to talk about what happened"

"Abel please. Right now is not a good time"

"There won't be another time so let me tell you what I have to say"

Turning to face him I waited for him to speak.

"Okay, say what's on your mind"

I could tell he was nervous, he kept fiddling his fingers and tried avoiding eye contact.

"What you saw today wasn't even half of the shit I usually do. When I'm not with you there's always someone else because the truth is that I can't be alone, I always need someone in my bed. I'm not into relationships or commitments so I come and go"

I could feel the stinging pain in my throat as I waited for him to finish knowing what was coming next.


"I just want you to forget about me. Go with another nigga that will give you what you want"

Maya stood there looking down not wanting to face me anymore. I've done this to many girls that loved me and didn't feel bad for doing so but for some reason I felt like a selfish piece of shit for hurting her. I just hope she would eventually get over me and move on like all the others.

"So easy for you to fucken say. I know you warned me about falling for you but I couldn't help that I did. So I'm the one you fit in your busy schedule when the others can't come through? Not once did I ask for anything other than your company or affection unlike those groupie bitches you fuck with. They want you because of your potential Abel, I just wanted you because of you, fuck the money fuck the fame"

Her eyes were filled with tears but I couldn't turn back from this, I had to make her stay away from me.

"Simaya you're no different from those other girls, our relationship never left your bed. You let me fuck whenever I wanted knowing I was with other bitches so don't act like your any better--"

Wiping her tears I felt a stinging pain across my right cheek, she slapped the shit out of me.

"Fuck you Abel! If I was like those girls I would of took your boy Henny's proposition and fucked with him, yeah he told me how you all share girls. So you can lie to yourself all you want but I know you love me but since your so damn selfish you don't know what else to do with me. So every time you are with those other girls you keep around, you will be fucking them wishing you were making love to me. And since this is your way of running away...fine.. get the fuck out, and leave me alone already!"

She stormed upstairs and before I could regret my decision I left her place and headed back to the party. I've never seen her so angry and at the same time felt like I really fucked up.

Walking in my house I saw everyone having a good time drinking and smoking. I had to numb these feelings so I grabbed a bottle of Bombay Sapphire from my stash in the kitchen, not giving a fuck I started drinking from the bottle. Popping an Addie, now I was looking for a bitch to fuck for the night. Fuck tonight.

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