In Vein

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I woke up to see the same girls from last night spreaded out at the foot of my bed. What the fuck happened last night? I sat up having the biggest headache, I knew I fucked up. I shaked the girls to wake them and get them out of my hotel. They had their clothes on but I had my pants off.

"Yo, you gotta go"

I kept tapping their shoulders until they finally got out of my bed.

"Why are you rushing us? We are leaving"

Letting them out I made sure nobody was around to see them leave my room. My heart raced at the fact I didn't remember what I did with them last night. I grabbed the back of my neck stressing while reading Maya's text.

These females aren't worth losing Maya. I called her and she didn't answer. It was almost 3pm here in London making it 10am in Toronto. I called her back and she finally answered.


I could her her faint voice.

"Baby.. I called as soon as I woke up. I'm so sorry"

I could her her sniffle.

"She's gone baby. She left me"

I wanted to fly back to be with her the same day. I hated hearing her in pain, I could hear her whimper trying to hold back.

"I want to be with you, you need me. I'm flying out tomorrow no matter what you say"

"Okay baby, How's Bella?"

"She's with my mama, I just woke up and I'm meeting them for dinner"

"I miss her and I miss you"

"I love you Maya"

"I love you too Abel"

When we hung up I called Cash to arrange for us to leave the next morning. While in the shower I broke my head trying to figure out what I did with those girls. I know I didn't fuck, well I hope I didn't. Waiting for my mom to meet me for dinner, I decided to check my Twitter.

Going through my Twitter messages I could see there was a message from a familiar face. It was one of the girls from last might.

Direct Messages

Aubree @prettybree

I have something you might want to see 😏

I opened her message to see that she had a picture of me sleeping.


I thought I whispered low enough so that nobody would hear me.

"You good?"

Hyghly asked.

"The girls from last night took pictures of me while I was asleep, who knows what else they have pictures of"

"Bro, you didn't take away their phones before taking them back to your room? You know the rule"

When girls were around Cash made it a rule that they would leave their phones to prevent situations like this.

"I was so fucked up last night I don't remember shit"

"See what that hoe wants, talk to her nigga. Tell her to keep them them private"

Lamar was right, but all I thought of was about Maya would seeing these pictures.

"I'm worried about Maya finding out. She ain't taking my shit anymore"

"Hey baby"

My mother came into the hotel restaurant right in our conversation. I gave my boys a look to keep this between us.

"You finally brought me my princess mama" I picked up Bella from her stroller and started admiring how much she looked like me. She was about 7 months old and growing before my eyes.

Once we were done with dinner we had to pack and leave for Toronto the next morning.


Amina came with me to the hospital to make arrangements where my grandmothers body would be taken to. I had no knowledge that she had everything arranged and even had her burial plot paid for right next to my grandfather.

"How are you feeling My?"

I took a deep breath in.

"My heart hurts, I know she's in a better place but I feel guilty. I could of possibly prevented this."

Amina looked at me confused.

"My there wasn't anything you could do. You literally worked your ass off to provide her with the best care possible. Stop blaming yourself"

Amina meant well but I couldn't help the feeling. Only thing that gave me happiness was knowing that Abel and Bella would be home by tonight.

~Next Evening~

Amina stood with me until Abel made it home, she was meeting with Cash and didn't want me to stay alone. We sat on the sofa watching some Netflix drinking some red wine. Passing the popcorn I could hear noises from the private entrance. It had to be Abel. I got up to see him walking in with his mother pushing Bella's stroller and Cash right behind.

I walked up to Abel and planted a kiss while hugging him. Right after I went straight to my babygirl, while greeting Cash and Abel's mom. My heart warmed right up. After a couple of minutes Cash and Amina left, I guess they wanted some alone time. Abel's mom went to her room obviously jet-lagged from the flight.

I went upstairs putting Bella to bed in her crib and going to Abel's room. He was sitting at the foot of the bed, I  could see he had a concerned look on his face while looking at his phone.

"Is everything okay babe?"

He looked at me with his deep brown eyes as if I interrupted his thoughts.

"Yeah baby, just work stuff. Come here I missed you"

I walked up to him and he wrapped his arms around my waist laying his head on my stomach. Wrapping my arms around his neck I held him close.

"I love you Maya, I don't deserve you baby"

"I love you too"

I knew something was wrong when he said such things. I couldn't bring myself to ask any more questions.

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