Tears In The Rain

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~A Month Later~


It's been a month and since I've gotten back to Toronto, Maya buried her grandma and I couldn't help but noticed how distant she was with me. It seemed like she was depressed and didn't want anyone near her, my mama told me to give her time but I hated how she was slipping away from me. I've noticed my stash of pills being tampered with but I couldn't confront her, she was hurting and as long as it made her numb to the pain I ignored it.

Giving her space I had to deal with this psycho girl Aubree, she took pictures of me after a night together in London. When I messaged her back she asked for a private date and promised she would delete the pictures of me. I couldn't trust this hoe but I had to make this situation go away so I agreed. Now I had to break it to Maya that I was leaving again to do a couple of shows in Europe.

Since her grandmothers funeral she would keep to herself and hardly even noticed I was around. My mama watched over Bella most of the time while Maya grieved. I walked into our room and saw her sitting on the bed crossed-legged going through some papers.

"How are you feeling today?"

I broke her concentration from the papers she was reading.

"I'm fine baby. I'm just reading these letters that came for me, I guess I have to meet a lawyer next week in regards to my nana's will. I didn't even know she had one. Can you go with me?"

This was the moment I had to tell her that I was leaving. I felt like a piece of shit.

"Baby, that's why I came to talk to you about. I got a couple of shows coming up in Europe."

I could see her studying me as I broke eye contact and looked down to the floor.

"When are you leaving?"

"In a couple of days. I'll be gone for a week and when I come back I'm all yours"

She started to gather all the papers together and put them on the nightstand. Getting off the bed she came up to me my wrapping her arms around my neck.

"I know I've been pushing you away and I just want you to know I love you and appreciate everything that you do"

Before I could say anything she started kissed my lips leading to my neck.

"I missed you baby.. I hated seeing you slip away and if you keep doi--"

"Abel, just be quiet and let me love you right now"

It's been a month since we had sex so I was more than eager.

Cupping my face she started to kiss my lips hard while softly biting my lip, she has always been good at this foreplay shit. Sucking on her lip I felt her hand reach down to my zipper. Braking from our kiss I gently reached down her leggings near her moist center.

"Who's pussy is this?"

I looked deep in her lustful eyes and felt the wetness at my fingertips.

"It's yours baby"

She whispered back on command.

Attacking her neck I laid her down on the bed leaving trails of bit marks down her neck. Hearing slight moans escape from her mouth just made me even more hard. Pulling down her leggings and panties I placed her at the edge of the bed. Spreading her legs I knelt down and with her legs over my shoulders, teasing her with the trail of kisses on her inner thigh leading to her wet center.

I could her her gasp as her natural reaction was to arch upward with every swirl of my tongue. Her legs began to slowly close making me pull her closer to me.

"Look at me baby"

I wanted her to see me taste her. Once her eyes locked onto mine I entered one, then two fingers and began the rotation of going in and out of her. I could feel her walls tighten up and I know she was close to climaxing so I began going faster as I nibbled and sucked.

"Baby... I'm.. I'm going to--"

I stopped before she reached her peak to see the frustration in her face. I could only smile at her.

"Why did you stop? Abel stop with this teasing! Fuck!"

"Turn around, I'm going to fuck you good"

While she got down onto all fours with her belly flat on the bed I grabbed her hips and slowly made my way inside of her. My tip could feel her starting to stretch as I filled her, I missed this.

Gripping her hips tighter while I going in and out of her. She reached behind grasping my wrist tight, I knew she liked it rough.

"Fuck me harder baby" she whined.

I could feel her walls clenched and I could feel myself ready to fill her up.

"Abel..Im..I'm coming---"


After Abel and I climaxed I fell flat on the bed. I've been so sad and overwhelmed that I wasn't paying attention to him or Bella which made me feel like shit. Laying on my stomach I couldn't help but feel bad for pushing everyone away. Closing my eyes I felt Abel kiss my shoulder and pull me close to him.

"I feel like shit for ignoring you and Bella"

I turned to lay my head on his chest.

"You're just going through a loss baby girl, you just need time"

"Baby that's no excuse, I wouldn't blame you if you cheated on me"

"Don't say that shit babe, you just needed time to grieve"

I held on to him close, feeling safe in his arms. My conscience was eating away at me he knew most of my past but not all. Abel would never understand why I withdraw from people who love me, or why I was a pro at letting people go.

"Thank you for being understanding"

He kissed me on the head and before I knew it I was sound asleep.

I woke up with the sun beaming on my face, reaching over I felt Abel's side empty. He must've went to the studio. Getting out of bed I knew I had to get back to my life, I was done being depressed.

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