Love In The Sky Pt. 1

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"Baby wake up, you're going to be late"

Abel has been staying with me a lot before he goes off on tour for Kiss Land. Not seeing each other for weeks going on months at a time was going to be hard but we were making this last week worth it.

It was afternoon and he was still sleeping when he had a meeting to attend to with Cash.

"Babe, you got to meet Cash soon, you know how he hates when your late"

Since I was now working for Abel with his Official XO clothing line, I had to stay in Toronto for meetings with his designers. And since I'm his lead merchandiser, which basically meant that I had to make decisions for the way his brand was represented and how it was put out to sale, I had a lot of work to do. He trusted me with this and I promised I wouldn't let him down.

"What time is it babe? I'm still tired as fuck"

Sitting next to him on the bed I slowly pulled down the comforter.

"It's 12:30, you have to meet Cash at 2 o'clock. So get up lazy ass!"

"Give me 20 more minutes, I'll be up and ready"

Slowly laying back down he started to pull the covers over himself before I pulled them back down.

" 20 minutes my ass, you said that last time and you were late. Cash waited over an hour for you, almost making him miss Amina's prenatal Dr appointment. So get up!"

Before I knew it he pulled me in bed with him and pinned me down.

"We have a little time for something else"

Looking at him I could tell by his smirk what he meant. Since we got engaged he has been really slowing down on the drugs, showing me he was serious about me.

"Baby.. don't you ever get enough? "

Smiling down at me he went and kissed along my neck.

"I never can get enough of you baby"

Leaving a trail of kisses along my collar bone he didn't need to say anything else, he had control of me.

Positioning himself between my legs I could feel he was hard and ready for me.

Distracted by his kisses I didn't realize he had already pulled down my pajamas shorts down with one hand. Rubbing his tip on my wetness he smiled as he kissed me.

"Look at who's not rushing me off anymore..."

Smiling back at him I gently bit his lower lip.

"Hush up and fuck me already..."

Kissing me hard he entered me and started thrusting into me harder and harder with ever stroke.


As he kept going I all of a sudden felt sick to my stomach. Pushing him off of me I ran into the bathroom to throw up.

Sitting on the floor naked hugging the toilet, I felt horrible. I had no time to be sick.


"Are you okay babe?"

Hearing Abel slowly opened the door while he peaked his head in.

"You gave me that stomach virus you had a couple of days ago, you jerk"

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