Wicked Games

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I fell back on my ass when this crazy bitch came rushing at me. I felt pain shoot down my back and quickly got up before this girl tried anything else. She had to be on drugs the way she was screaming and acting.

"Where's Abel? I know he's here"

"Are you fucking insane charging at me like that?"

"Bitch who the fuck are you? Why are you here? Where's Abel"

She kept yelling and acting as if she was on drugs.

"So your the bitch he's been fucking? What a downgrade!"

Her breath smelled of alcohol, as she was getting close to me in a threatening manner. I tried my best to hold back from putting my hands on her but I just blacked out and swigged at her face when she was yelling at me, I pulled her down by her hair when I felt Abel pull me away from her.

"Abel now you're fucking pregnant bitches?!! Your lucky your pregnant I would of kicked your ass whore"

"Who was on the floor you dumb bitch?! You were! Screaming for help and shit."

Abel was holding me back as this girl kept yelling some bullshit.

"Get your fucken hands off me Abel! Go and control your bitch, fucken junkie ass hoe "

"Maya calm the fuck down"

"Fuck you Abel! this is the kind of shit I warned you about!"

By this time Abel's mother came and tried calming me down. She had me sit on the sofa while Abel talked to Valerie. She was irrational and he agreed to take her home.

"How are you honey?"

"Ms. Tesfaye, I can't do this. I love your son but he's not ready for all this, he's obviously playing both of us"

"I understand, what happened tonight isn't safe for you and my granddaughter. Just try and relax and just know you have my support no matter what you do"

"Thank you, I really appreciate that. And no matter what I'll will never deny you or Abel from being in the baby's life"

"That's great to hear. My son has his hands full with you, you had the girl crying for mercy"

She laughed and hugged me tight. In her arms I could feel the shooting pain run down my back.

"I know I shouldn't have done that in my condition but she knocked me down and kept threatening me I had to make her back off me"

"I told my son that girl was bad news, she would do the same with him"

"He can't help who he loves Ms. Tesfaye, and after tonight he can tell her whatever lie about who I am and she will believe him. Like I did tonight."

"If you think my son doesn't love you, you're wrong because he does"

I knew she was being sincere but actions spoke louder than words.

"I feel that he does but this kind of stuff just pushes me away from him. I can't be going through this and I think it's best if I go back to my loft, until he figures out who and what he wants"

"As much as I don't want you to go, I understand"

We went to my room where I started to packing whatever I could. It felt good to know I had Abel's mother support no matter what. This whole situation went downhill so fast. I held in my tears while walking down to his front door just to see him walk in.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm leaving Abel, it was a bad idea for me to be here"

"Maya, I took care of Valerie she won't be back"

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