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I've been in California for almost three days and I'm barely adjust to the time change. Staying with Laura has been crazy, she practically has a different guy in her bed every night. Today I was glad that Abel was arriving from France because I couldn't stand anymore of Laura's nightly rocking of her headboard against the wall.

Walking to the restroom I opened the slightly opened door to see a guy standing there naked,peeing.

"OMG! I'm sorry!"

Quickly exiting the restroom I waited in the living room until he was done, he must be another visitor of Laura's.

"Hey, did Roger scare you?"

"If you're talking about that naked guy who left the door opened, no jut surprised me to see him standing there"

"He don't bite My. Are you leaving with Abel today?"

Showing her guest to the door Laura came back to where I was.

"Yeah, he's coming to get me this evening and he wants to come with us to Las Vegas"

"This is going to be fun My!! I haven't seen my cousin since my dad's birthday party. Is Lamar coming too?"

Looking at her suspiciously she had a smirk as she waited for to answer.

"Of course he's coming. Laura did you fuck with Lamar?"

Letting out a slight laugh.

"Yeah... but got to promise not to tell Abel. Lamar doesn't want him to find out"

"Lauraaaa! why are you putting me in this position. You know if I hide anything from Abel he gets all crazy with that shit"

"Maya please, Lamar and I had a little fling but never mentioned it to anyone because it was a one night thing when he came to family event with Abel"

"I won't say anything but if Abel finds out you better take the blame"

"I promise I will Simaya"

Smiling at me she knew I wouldn't say anything to Abel, this shit better not backfire at me.

~That Evening~


Landing at my home in LA I showered quick and got ready to pick up Maya to bring her back to my place. Getting in the SUV my driver took me to my cousin Laura's apartment and my nerves started kicking in.

Being almost two weeks since I've seen her I just wanted everything to I smooth on this little getaway. Pulling up to her gated apartments I called Maya to get the gate code to enter. Walking to her unite I rang the doorbell and waited for that beautiful face to greet me.

"Heeey Abel come in!"

Laura embraced me with a tight hug. Don't get me wrong I love my cousin but I knew she what she was about and it made me nervous that Maya was such good friends with her.

"Hey what up Laura, how you been?"

"I've been good, just about to head out but Maya is in the guest room getting her things together"

"Be safe out there, call me if you need anything"

"I'll be okay but thank you"

Closing the door behind her I made my way to the guest room. Maya was facing the window placing her luggage on the bed when I hugged her from behind. Slightly jumping when I wrapped my arms around her waist I started kissing behind her ear.

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